Why the U.S. should stop subsidizing Israel

What We’re Reading

US-Israel relations

Opinion: U.S. Should Stop Subsidizing Bad Israeli Economic And Occupation Policies,

“America is practically bankrupt yet Israel remains a multi-billion dollar dependent. The U.S. can’t afford to continue subsidizing well-off nations, no matter how friendly. And Israel, which spends heavily both to expand state regulation and occupy Palestinian lands, doesn’t need American support,” writes Doug Bandow.

Occupation/Human rights

From Occupation to Annexation,

A new position paper by “Yesh Din” describes how the Government of Israel  unofficially adopted the Levy Report and is working towards implementing its recommendations and legal doctrine. Over the past three and a half years, Israel has been gradually absolving itself of its duty to act within international law, and extricating itself from its duty to protect the property of the Palestinian population.”

Opinion: How to reverse engineer Israeli-Palestinian peace,

“With Israelis and Palestinians dubious of the ‘peace process,’ a new approach is needed to restore some hope in resolving their conflict,” writes Akiva Eldar.

Palestinian forces foil bombing near Jenin,

Palestinian sources told Ynet that two teenagers were caught in possession of pipe bombs and knives. The two teenagers were caught by Palestinian Security Forces stationed on the Palestinian side of the checkpoint moments before they were to enter Israel, the Palestinian sources told Ynet.


Opinion: How bragging could backfire on Hamas' al-Qassam Brigades,

Palestinians worry that Hamas’s efforts to play up its military capabilities could provide an excuse for Israel to strike Gaza, Mohammed Othman writes.

Israeli politics

Fact-checking Netanyahu: A week full of truthiness,

“From surreal exaggerations to outright lies, Netanyahu dished up another batch of nonsense utterings to a foreign audience in Berlin this week. We picked three of the best and broke them down for you,” writes Natasha Roth.