Palestinian leader tightens grip with new decree

What We’re Reading

Palestinian politics

Palestinian leader tightens grip with new decree,

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas forms a nine-member constitutional court, which critics claim is packed with Fatah loyalists. “It’s a blatant power grab at a time when he knows he can get away with it,” one expert says.

Opinion: Corrupt Palestinian Officials Too Comfortable to Resist the Israeli Occupation,

“Palestinians don’t need the Panama Papers to expose what they see as corruption in the ranks of their leaders — there is visible concrete evidence of it everywhere,” writes Amira Hass.

From Israeli jail, ‘nonviolent’ bid to 'free Palestine’ takes shape,

A group of people close to leading Fatah activist Marwan Barghouti, jailed in Israel for murder, have reached an understanding with the Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaderships overseas on a comprehensive plan to jointly campaign against the Israeli occupation until it is brought to an end, Palestinian sources told The Times of Israel.

Hamas scrambles to make up budget shortfalls,

“As a result of its financial crisis, Hamas adopted policies that are increasing Gazans’ suffering and dissatisfaction,” writes Adnan Abu Amer.

Occupation/Human rights

Peace Now: Pace of planning for new settler homes accelerated in 2016,

Plans for new homes in West Bank settlements were advanced at a faster pace in the first three months of 2016 than in the previous year, according to Peace Now.

Palestinian Neighborhood, Abandoned by Jerusalem, Paves Its Own Road,

Residents of Ras Khamis, located beyond the separation barrier, take matters into their own hands after years of neglect by the municipality.

Peace process

Peace alliance seeks to move beyond sharing a plate of hummus,

There is a tragic irony among nongovernmental organizations that work for peace and coexistence: they must fight one another for funding. In a bid to mitigate such tussling as well as to ensure the flow of grant money, over 90 Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian peace-building groups have joined an international umbrella organization, the Alliance for Middle East Peace.

UN resolution on Israeli settlements ‘urgently needed,’ Abbas says,

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said there is an “urgent” need for a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements, in an interview with AFP ahead of a multi-country diplomatic tour.

Opinion: Give Abbas Another Chance,

“At its core, the reason why Netanyahu and Abbas don’t get along very much is because both men find it difficult to back down from their principles,” writes Daniel DePetris.


UN: 75,000 Palestinians remain homeless in Gaza,

“After hearing from over 16,000 displaced families in the Gaza Strip, it is clear that most continue to live in desperate conditions,” Robert Piper, UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Aid, said in a statement. “International support to end this situation is urgently needed.”