East Jerusalem Palestinians face expulsion over loyalty tests

What We’re Reading

Occupation/Human rights

Israel’s Dangerous New Transfer Tactic in Jerusalem,

“It is no longer enough for a Palestinian Jerusalemite to be actually living in Jerusalem and to maintain his/her center of life in the city. Palestinian Jerusalemites are now expected to commit to the new undefined criterion of ‘allegiance,’ writes Munir Nuseibah – or face explusion.

In West Bank, Israel Imposes Pop-Up Checkpoints and Road Closings,

Pop-up checkpoints and closings lasting several days have disrupted the routines of Palestinian residents, whose ability to move through the occupied territory was already precarious.

Israel denies report on accelerated settlement construction,

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on Thursday denied a report saying that Israel has approved plans for more than 200 new settler homes in the West Bank. Hagit Ofran, a spokeswoman for settlement watchdog group Peace Now, earlier said the government had given the green light for at least 229 homes, which are at various stages in the process of approval.

Prosecutor: Hebron soldier to be indicted for manslaughter,

An IDF soldier accused of shooting dead a disarmed Palestinian attacker in Hebron last month will be indicted for manslaughter, the military prosecutor has confirmed.

US-Israel relations

US accuses Israel of using excessive force against Palestinians,

Annual US report on human rights says nearly half of Palestinians killed by Israel were not carrying out attacks, and many times did not pose a threat to life

Opinion: To save his Middle East legacy, Obama must recognise a Palestinian state now,

“Sooner or later, there will be a Palestinian state and the US will recognise it. Obama knows that very well. So why should he miss this opportunity and let another president recognise it in the future?” writes Ibrahim Fraihat.


Only 40 percent of Gaza's post-war aid delivered: Officials,

Officials from the Palestinian and International community have raised concerns over the progress of reconstruction efforts in the Gaza Strip, after only 40 percent of the money pledged was delivered.

Palestinian politics

Hamas, PA face off on financial front,

Palestinian individuals and institutions are complaining about procedures implemented by the Palestinian Authority to monitor exchange office and bank transactions suspected of aiding Hamas.