Presidential Race Shifts Discourse on Israel-Palestine

What We’re Reading

FMEP in the News

Presidential Race Shifts Discourse on Israel-Palestine,

“The 2016 presidential primaries have upended a wide variety of assumptions about the rules of American politics, and what the traffic will bear. One of these areas is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” writes FMEP President Matthew Duss.

Occupation/Human rights

New Israeli MK Glick: Muslims’ Conduct Could Lead to Al-Aqsa’s Destruction,

Yehudah Glick, whom the police have called the most dangerous man in the Middle East, says the Muslim religious trust on the Temple Mount has an ‘everything-is-mine’ attitude.

Israel's settlement drive is becoming irreversible, diplomats fear,

Diplomats and international monitors are increasingly concerned that the drive, which has seen Israel settle more than half a million of its people at a cost of tens of billions of dollars, may be reaching the point of irreversibility.

Netanyahu dusts off old peace plan after uproar over new government,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has spoken of reviving a long-dormant Arab peace initiative with the Palestinians, amid questions over whether he is sincere or trying to fend off international critics.

Jewish Home vows no Palestinian state while it’s in government,

The Jewish Home party on Tuesday said there would be no Palestinian state while it is in the government, a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and new Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman voiced some support for an Arab peace proposal and a two-state solution.

78% of Israelis support unilateral annexation of Ma'ale Adumim, poll finds,

The Knesset Land of Israel caucus called on Tuesday to annex Ma’aleh Adumim, citing a poll showing nearly 78 percent of Israelis agree to it, a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he is ready to negotiate based on the Arab Peace Initiative.

Rivlin: Ariel settlement ‘obviously’ to remain under Israeli control,

President Reuven Rivlin on Tuesday vowed the West Bank settlement of Ariel would forever remain under Israeli control, despite its location deep inside the West Bank.

Opinion: Settler violence aims to dispossess, and it works,

“Palestinian residents do not believe the IDF is trying to protect them from the marauders,” writes Yossi Gurvitz.

Israel Remapped West Bank Land to Pave Way for Settlement Construction,

The Civil Administration re-mapped over 15,000 acres in the West Bank last year, which suggests an intention to embark on wide-scale settlement construction.

EU Warns Israel: Policy of Demolishing Palestinian Homes in Area C Will Harm Relations,

Israeli official details tense and difficult meeting in which the EU expressed opposition to ‘home demolition and forced evacuation of populations.’

Palestinian politics

Top Palestinian official: Israeli peace overtures just a PR campaign,

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat on Tuesday rejected comments by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and new Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman lending some support for an Arab peace plan, saying it was a PR campaign designed to distract the world from Israel’s “continued settler-colonial policies and rejectionist positions.”

Why confederation with Palestine is suddenly a hot issue in Amman,

Discussion of a possible Palestinian-Jordanian confederation is testing the public mood in Jordan and the West Bank as President Mahmoud Abbas’ popularity dips further.