Confronting anti-Semitism in the Palestine solidarity movement

What We’re Reading

Opinion: We in the Palestinian Solidarity Movement Have a Problem With anti-Semitism,

“Toxic conspiracy theories, group-blame and stereotyping are becoming a serious problem in the Palestine solidarity movement – and it’s undermining our struggle,” writes Gary Spedding. “Those who undermine the message of Palestine solidarity by contaminating it with ignorance and racism have no place in Palestine solidarity.”

US-Israel relations

Opinion: The coming battle over Israel in US presidential race,

“US-Israel policy has increasingly become a contentious and partisan issue. This is a product of two things; the confluence of a right-wing Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu with a Democratic Obama administration, and value-based voters’ growing rejection of the apartheid reality on the ground, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea,” writes Yousef Munayyer.

Trump Won’t Take Position on Two-State Solution, Says Aide,

Jason Greenblatt, Donald Trump’s adviser on Israel, who recently increased his role and serves as the campaign’s de-facto liaison to the Jewish community, worked the crowd and the media in Cleveland, making the case for Trump on issues relating to his views on Israel.

Occupation/Human rights

Opinion: The Israeli Right still hasn't internalized that Palestinians exist,

“Arabs are more present than ever in the Israeli public sphere, but attempts to marginalize them are growing at an even faster pace. A new law aimed at pushing Arab representatives out of the political system could wind up changing the rules of the game — in the worst possible way,” writes Noam Sheizaf.

Palestinian leftists on hunger strike in Israeli jails,

Dozens of prisoners go on hunger strike to support Bilal Kayed, a Palestinian detainee held without charge or trial.