Preventing Palestine – How 40 Years of US-Led Peacemaking Have Failed the Palestinians

Sep 21 2018


Middle East Institute Ballroom, 2nd Floor
1319 18th St NW,
Washington, DC 20036


The Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) is proud to invite you to a discussion examining how and why 40 years of US-led peace efforts – from Camp David to the present day – have failed to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The discussion will feature Seth Anziska, the author of the forthcoming book, Preventing Palestine: A Political History from Camp David to OsloRespondents/discussants will be two veterans of U.S. Middle East policy, with experience both in and out of government: James Zogby, President of the Arab American Institute, and Lara Friedman, President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.

A light lunch will be served.

This event is co-sponsored by the Middle East Institute.