Our 2019 Grantees

The Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) is proud to announce its support for a range of organizations doing essential work to challenge the occupation and promote Israeli-Palestinian peace. Since its establishment in 1979, FMEP has stood with courageous non-profit organizations working to challenge Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem and striving for a just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Continuing this tradition, FMEP’s 2020 grants support important work on human rights, research, public education for peace, and humanitarian relief (read more about this important work by clicking on organizational profiles below). This support reflects longstanding FMEP partnerships as well as new relationships grounded in FMEP’s increased focus on groups that produce the critical raw materials that reveal and document the realities of occupation, empowering the larger ecosystem of individuals and organizations working to challenge occupation and achieve peace. FMEP views its support for such groups as especially important today, given both increased Israeli efforts to stifle such work on the ground and to normalize and legitimize occupation, including in the United States.

Participation in FMEP’s grant application process is by invitation only.

Organizations FMEP is supporting in 2019
(as of July 2019)

+972 Magazine*

7amleh – The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement




Al-Shabaka: the Palestinian Policy Network

Alliance for Middle East Peace

American Near East Refugee Aid

Americans for Peace Now

Association for Civil Rights in Israel*



Breaking the Silence*

Charity & Security Network

Churches for Middle East Peace

Defense for Children International – Palestine*

The Democratic Bloc*


Heartland Initiative

If Not Now

Ir Amim*

J Street Education Fund

Jewish Voice for Peace

Just Vision/Local Call

Kerem Navot*

Middle East Institute

Military Court Watch

The Movement for Freedom of Information in Israel*

New Israel Fund

Palestine Legal



Who Profits

Yesh Din*


*FMEP awarded a grant to this organization’s U.S.-based partner in support of its ongoing relationship with the listed organization.

See the list of organizations that FMEP supported in 2018.


FMEP is a 501(c)(3) private foundation established in 1979 by lawyer and philanthropist Merle Thorpe, Jr., to promote a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Foundation advances this goal through education, publications about the conflict, a speakers’ program to introduce Israeli, Palestinian, and other experts to U.S. audiences, public speaking by officers of the Foundation, and a small grant program to support groups that advance the cause of peace in Israel and Palestine.