Terrestrial Jerusalem

Terrestrial Jerusalem is an Israeli non-governmental organization that works to identify and track the full spectrum of developments in Jerusalem that could impact either the political process or permanent status options, destabilize the city or spark violence, or create humanitarian crises. With decades of legal expertise, TJ founder and director Daniel Seidemann is a world-renowned expert on the geopolitics of Israel, and is regularly engaged by international diplomats for briefings, written analyses, and tours of East Jerusalem. Terrestrial Jerusalem also briefs and guides a range of civil society groups – including many groups from the U.S. – to help educate global audiences about the importance and danger of Israel’s occupation policies in Jerusalem. Terrestrial Jerusalem produces “Insider’s Jerusalem” a semi-regular online publication providing comprehensive, authoritative, and astute analysis of current events affecting Jerusalem and the possibility for the city’s peaceful division in a two-state solution. 

Learn more about Terrestrial Jerusalem & see their work:

Website: http://t-j.org.il/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TJJerusalem