WHO: Israel delays Gazans leaving the Strip for medical care; US launching new peace push
Israel challenges BDS at home and abroad
The Foundation for Middle East Peace has documented at least 28 bills introduced since 2015, targeting Israel boycotts and including in its definition of Israel its settlements in the West Bank. Critics say these anti-BDS bills are problematic because they conflate Israel with its illegal settlements, and stifle free speech.
ACLU on the Israel Anti-Boycott Act; Israel’s BDS blacklist
Netanyahu slams ‘fake news’ media amid corruption investigation
Gazans who travel abroad forced to promise not to return; Warren opposes boycott bill
Settlement Report: August 9, 2017
Welcome to FMEP’s Weekly Settlement Report, covering everything you need to know about Israeli settlement activity this week. To receive this report via email, please…
Why we shouldn’t rejoice over Bibi’s fall; HRW on expulsion of Palestinians from Jerusalem
Bills in Congress to cut off aid to Palestinian Authority, target settlement boycotts
FMEP Legislative Round-Up: August 4, 2017
1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters 2. Hearings 3. On the Record *Brought to you in cooperation with Americans for Peace Now, where the Round-Up was…