
  • U.S. Administration Fears Ben-Gvir Domino Effect, Considers a No-contact Policy (Haaretz)

    “‘For Biden, avoidance of conflict with Israel is the paramount goal. This was true during the tenure of the previous government, during which the U.S. refrained from demanding accountability for the deaths of an American journalist and an elderly American man, both at the hands of the Israeli army; when it failed to challenge Israel’s targeting of Palestinian human rights and civil society organizations; when it was chose not to oppose Israel’s imposition of draconian restrictions on entry to the West Bank; and when it took no meaningful steps to prevent settlement expansion or to hold Israel accountable for settler violence,’ Foundation for Middle East Peace President Lara Friedman said. ‘While it is certain that the list of brazen Israeli violations of Palestinian rights and even the rights of American citizens will continue to grow under an Israeli right-wing government that elevates its most unabashedly racist, Islamophobic, homophobic political forces, there is no reason to believe that U.S. policy of embracing Israeli impunity will suddenly change,’ she added.”

  • ACLU Asks Supreme Court to Take Up Right to Boycott (Jewish Currents)

    “‘The organized Jewish community has known from the get-go that [anti-boycott laws] infringed on free speech,’ said Lara Friedman, President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace. ‘Given a choice between upholding free speech and the right of protest for Americans, and undermining those rights writ large in order to protect Israel from criticism, they’ve demonstrated they prefer the latter.’”

  • Settlement & Annexation Report: October 27, 2022

    Welcome to FMEP’s Weekly Settlement Report, covering everything you need to know about Israeli settlement activity this week. To subscribe to this report, please click here.…