
  • Legislation to Constrain Boycott of Israel/Settlements (Congress)

    Beginning in 2014, opponents of boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israel began promoting legislation in various U.S. states denouncing the BDS movement. In 2015, these efforts shifted/expanded to efforts in the U.S. Congress (as well as at the state level) to hijack concerns about BDS against Israel in order to pass legislation giving unprecedented legitimacy and recognition to Israeli settlements by, in effect, making it U.S. policy to treat them as part of Israel.

  • Settlement & Annexation Report: July 30, 2021

    Welcome to FMEP’s Weekly Settlement & Annexation Report. To subscribe to this report, please click here. July 30, 2021 Sheikh Jarrah Updates: Court Issues Delays for…

  • NSO Group & Israel’s expertise in spyware & repression

    In this episode of “Occupied Thoughts,” FMEP’s Peter Beinart interviews Yousef Munayyer and Dahlia Scheindlin about the Israeli intelligence firm NSO Group, which leases military-grade surveillance…

  • Times of Israel: How McDonald’s took the same stance as Ben & Jerry’s but avoided public backlash

    “‘Israel decides to make an issue of people differentiating [between] settlements [and Israel proper] when it feels like it,’ she [FMEP’s Lara Friedman] said, referencing economic agreements former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government signed with the EU and South Korea and China that explicitly do not apply to the settlements. ‘In those cases [Netanyahu] didn’t make a deal of it or accuse them of boycotting Israel.’…FMEP’s Friedman explaining that Jerusalem seized on the public nature of Ben & Jerry’s announcement ‘as an opportunity, rather than a challenge.’ ‘Where McDonald’s is a challenge because [the government would] like to keep their branches in Israel, Ben & Jerry’s has been an opportunity to reframe the issue in terms of BDS and to send a warning message to anyone else who might want to do it,” she posited, noting that the same strategy was employed against Airbnb three years ago.'”