AIPAC’s anti-peace agenda

What We’re Reading

AIPAC Conference

Opinion: Look on AIPAC's works, American Jews,

“For decades AIPAC has been actively promoting a Middle East agenda that is anathema to the values of most American Jews, to the real interests of Israel, and to peace,” writes Lara Friedman. “It embodies a worldview hostile toward the Palestinians, antagonistic to peacemaking, and sympathetic to policies and positions that are antithetical to a two-state solution.”

Opinion: Straight Talk From Bernie Sanders on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,

“The only presidential candidate who spoke any real truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Monday was the one who did not attend the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the country’s largest pro-Israel group,” writes Carol Giacomo.

Netanyahu says UN resolution on Palestine would sink chances for peace,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday said the United Nations has been unrelentingly hostile toward Israel and urged the United States to veto resolutions that aim to pressure Israel into a settlement with the Palestinians.

Occupation/Human rights

Settler Volunteers to Combat Bedouin Construction in West Bank,

Residents of the four Gush Adumim settlements, in the West Bank near Jerusalem, have formed a volunteer policing unit to combat what they call a “Palestinian takeover of Gush land.” Members of the unit recently underwent training in a civil policing course.

WATCH: Living in the looming shadow of expulsion,

‘Firing Zone 918′ in the south Hebron hills is home to around 1,300 Palestinians, most of whom live in caves or shacks and make their living from agriculture and shepherding. Since 1999, the residents have been living under threat of demolition, dispossession, and eviction after the IDF has declared their land a fire zone.

A Palestinian Takes A Different Road In His Fight,

“In a conflict that dates back generations, Israelis and Palestinians rarely change their positions or their minds. NPR’s Emily Harris, who has reported from Jerusalem since 2013, explores what prompts a relative few to adopt a new perspective.” – Editor’s note

The Moment When An Israeli Soldier Saw Himself Through A Palestinian Child's Eyes,

A young Israeli grew up on stories of the Holocaust, determined to enter Israel’s army and not let Jews be victims again. But his encounter with a small Palestinian girl would change his outlook.

Israeli politics

Is Israeli media blurring the line between news and propaganda?,

“The investigative report of Israeli TV Channel 2 accuses NGO Breaking the Silence of endangering IDF soldiers, without balancing its report or verifying its information properly,” writes Mazal Mualem.


Inside Hamas, a bitter and very personal battle for control,

“Although [Hamas political chief] Khaled Mashaal supposedly still holds the highest position in Hamas, his status as the organization’s top leader does not seem as strong as in past years. He is no longer the sole decision-maker in Hamas, certainly not when it comes to the Gaza Strip,” writes Avi Issacharoff.