Netanyahu at the UN, Israeli settlers murdered

What We’re Reading

FMEP in the news

A Top Israeli Diplomat Publicly Admits What Netanyahu Won’t,

“Tzipi Hotovely might not be a great diplomat, but her blunt communication style can be a great help in clarifying matters,” writes Mitchell Plitnick. “This was certainly the case with her interview with the Times of Israel, which was published on September 27. In it, Hotovely, Israel’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, openly declares that Israel has no intention of handing any of the West Bank over to Palestinian control.”

From the FMEP blog

Silent Arrogance: Netanyahu At the UN,

“If there was anything remarkable about Netanyahu’s UN speech, it was his hostile, condescending tone,” writes Mitchell Plitnick.

Israeli politics

'Jews' rights are constantly being eroded',

In an interview with Israel Hayom, Israeli cabinet minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) talks about his plans for the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif.

WATCH: Netanyahu's deafening silence, the extended version,

Israeli Prime Minister is known for his antics and shtick at the United Nations. In the past he has flaunted cartoon drawings of bombs, waved blueprints of Auschwitz and now he used a new prop — deafening silence.

Occupation/Human rights

Israeli settler couple killed, and the band plays on,

“A lifetime of sorrow lies before six children who became orphans last night when their parents were killed in a hailstorm of bullets on a West Bank road,” writes Dahlia Scheindlin.

Jerusalem: City of ruins,

The Old City is overcrowded and its buildings suffering, victims of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Who killed the Oslo Accords?,

“The failure of the Palestinian leadership to read political realities and Israel’s culture of impunity ended Oslo long ago,” write Yazid Sayegh and Saeb Erekat.

Are European settlement labels a double standard?,

Israeli government allegations of an EU double standard are largely grounded on misguided or incomplete information.

West Bank tensions surge in night of 'price tag' attacks,

IDF sends 4 extra battalions to control ‘very serious’ situation in West Bank; Palestinians attacked in revenge for shooting attack on Henkin family.

Opinion: Not a third intifada… yet,

“Abbas’s PA is a key factor in preventing isolated terror attacks like Thursday’s from erupting into mass violence. But its capacities and its credibility are fading,” writes Avi Issacharoff.

US-Israel relations

STUDY: Advocating for Palestinian Human Rights Could Make You a Target,

From job loss to lawsuits, a new report reveals what it describes as the true cost of advocating for Palestinian human rights in the United States. “The Palestine Exception to Free Speech: A Movement Under Attack in the US” uses incidents reported to legal and advocacy organization Palestine Legal to assert that individuals and groups that are critical of Israel’s policies regarding Palestine are routinely censored and punished.

Palestinian politics

Palestine’s UN envoy: Multilateralism is the way forward,

In a recent interview, Palestinian envoy to the UN Riyad Mansour stipulated that if the Israeli-Arab conflict is not addressed, any plan for peace in the region is futile.