The good evangelicals

What We’re Reading

US-Israel relations

Some evangelicals bring a new angle on peace in the Mideast,

Lynne Hybels is revered for her work helping the impoverished around the world, but some people view her as dangerous. Hybels, co-founder with her husband of one of the nation’s largest churches, has been called a heretic and an anti-Semite for her efforts to build bridges between Palestinians and Israelis in the Middle East.

Occupation/Human rights

A small step toward recognizing the Nakba,

“Putting up signs marking destroyed Palestinian towns and villages could bring about a more moral discourse about the Nakba and its victims,” writes Eitan Aparicio.

The forced transfer of Palestinian detainees — why it matters,

“International law is clear that prisoners should not be transferred outside of an occupied territory — both to allow their families access to them and to prevent forced population transfer. But that’s not all that’s at stake,” writes Gerard Horton.

A Plant Named Occupation Has Grown Into a Deep-rooted Tree,

“When someone says something against the occupation, he is attacked as if he is the ultimate enemy of all Jews from the time of Moses to Yair Lapid,” writes Odeh Bisharat.

A Change in Israeli Policy: IDF Returning Palestinian Assailants' Bodies to Families,

After the security cabinet decided not to return the bodies of Palestinians killed while perpetrating terror attacks to their families, Israel has made a change of course.

Israeli politics

After Odeh's U.S. visit, the Joint List must step up its game,

“Ayman Odeh’s visit to the U.S. demonstrates that the Joint List needs to take a more central role in the global discourse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” writes Amjad Iraqi.

Netanyahu said to mull holding early Likud primaries,

Should Netanyahu win the early primaries, he could secure the leadership of Likud until 2023, potentially putting him at the head of the party for 24 years.

Lapid with reservists: Breaking the Silence crossed from criticism to subversion,

Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid and a group of reservists came out on Sunday against Breaking the Silence, saying that the NGO defames IDF soldiers abroad. In a press conference in Tel Aviv, Lapid announced that, as part of his fight against Breaking the Silence, he plans to propose a bill that would not allow groups that promote a boycott of Israel to fund local organizations.

Palestinian politics

'PLO to cut relations with Israel',

PLO Secretary Saeb Erekat said yesterday that diplomatic relations between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Israel will officially come to an end at the start of 2016, has reported.

What suspending security coordination with Israel would mean for the PLO,

PLO Executive Committee member Hanna Amireh predicts that the Palestinian National Council will not be able to convene in the future if the Palestinian leadership decides to suspend security cooperation with Israel.

Greece moves to recognise the state of Palestine,

Greece is set to recognise the state of Palestine in a parliamentary vote to be attended by the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, a government source said.


In Gaza's Khuzaa caravans, families fear another winter,

As cold, late-autumn rain poured down on the Gaza Strip last month, Yousef al-Najjar watched as his makeshift home sunk deeper into the mud, its thin laminate floors cracking.