The legislation targeting progressive Israeli NGOs

What We’re Reading

Israeli politics

Israeli government votes to support bill targeting left-wing NGOs,

The Israeli government on Sunday voted to support a law targeting human rights and left-wing organizations. The bill, should it become law, would require NGOs that receive 50 percent or more of their funding from foreign governments to detail those sources of funding.

EU slams NGOs bill: 'Reminiscent of totalitarian regimes',

The European Union slammed a bill proposal seeking to impose transparency on Israeli NGOs receiving donations from other countries, with EU officials saying that “Israel should be very careful about reigning in its prosperous democratic society with laws that are reminiscent of totalitarian regimes.”

Occupation/Human rights

Peace Now: Israel planning to build 8,372 homes in sensitive West Bank area,

The report, issued Monday, says that the ministry “is quietly working on” plans to develop 8,372 new units in E-1, the 12-square kilometer area of land which is located between Jerusalem and the settlement of Ma’ale Adumim.

Netanyahu's five-pronged strategy to delay a two-state solution,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a multi-element, comprehensive plan to thwart the threat of negotiations toward a two-state solution.

Two Palestinians killed in West Bank violence,

Israeli forces have shot dead two Palestinians at the Huwara checkpoint as violence continues in the occupied West Bank. Mohammed Sbaaneh, 17, was killed on Sunday after he allegedly stabbed and wounded an Israeli soldier, while his relative Nour Eddine Sbaaneh, 23, was the second Palestinian shot dead.


IDF admits spraying herbicides inside the Gaza Strip,

The army says aerial spraying was meant to ‘enable security operations.’ Palestinian farmers say hundreds of acres of crops were damaged or destroyed.

US-Israel relations

Christian Zionists prefer to ignore Bethlehem's Palestinians,

“It’s telling that a Christian organization would rather focus on supporting the Israeli economy than in listening to the voices of their fellow Christians who are suffering under occupation,” writes Ryan Beiler.

US State Department rejects lawmakers' calls to close PLO office,

The US State Department on Tuesday rejected calls by 32 congressional lawmakers, including Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, to close the Washington office of the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Palestinian politics

Is the PLO facing a legitimacy crisis?,

As violence continues to grip the occupied West Bank, many say the Palestinian leadership has lost its relevance.

Fatah could return to armed attacks on Israelis, PA source warns,

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party is mulling resuming its participation in armed attacks on Israelis, and the development is only a matter of time, a senior Palestinian source said, according to Israel Radio.