To stop the violence in Israel/Palestine, end the Occupation

What We’re Reading

West Bank/East Jerusalem unrest

Three murdered, dozens wounded in 5 attacks,

Three people were murdered and dozens were wounded in five terror attacks in Jerusalem, Ra’anana and Kiryat Ata on Tuesday. One of the victims was idenified as Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky, 60.

Every day is a 'wave of violence' for Palestinians,

“Where are Jewish Israelis when Palestinians find themselves under attack? When entire villages are demolished? When health care is conditioned on providing intelligence? When people are imprisoned without even the courtesy of a conviction?” Tom Mehager asks.

Video shows brutal Palestinian attack on Israeli in Jerusalem,

A Rabbi was killed when a Palestinian rammed his car into him in Jerusalem before getting out and stabbing him multiple times.

IN PICTURES: Palestinian women take part in the protests,

Women have stood at the front lines, throwing stones and providing first aid.

Opinion: a new intifada for a new generation,

“Young Palestinians are making their own decisions in defiance of both Fatah and Hamas,” David Hearst writes.

This dance of death was only a matter time,

“By stalling while deepening the occupation, successive Israeli leaders — of whom Netanyahu is only the most recent — have dragged Israelis and Palestinians into a dance of death,” writes Natasha Roth.

Occupation/Human rights

Despite Threats, the Oslo Pact Is Still Intact — But for How Long?,

“Despite Oslo’s endurance, there’s no question that the agreement’s failure to reach the third phase constricts day-to-day life in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza. It also undermines the security of Israelis,” writes Naomi Zeveloff.

Palestinian politics

Barghouti: There will be no peace until Israel’s occupation of Palestine ends,

“We have tried to be patient, but the international community has failed us,” writes Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti. “Freedom for Palestinian people is long overdue.”

Beyond Abbas and Oslo,

“It is long past time to end the farce of a never-ending peace process that only increases Palestinian suffering,” writes Rashid Khalidi.

Israeli politics

Erdan: Government must express its sovereignty in Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem,

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan called Monday for the public to be calm, speaking at a Knesset Interior Committee meeting on the security situation in Jerusalem, in which he described his efforts to quell the current wave of violence.

Israel's 'Mr. Security' Tells Nation It Could Be Worse’ as Terror Attacks Multiply,

“In his speech to the Knesset, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered no solutions and no hope for bringing an end to the stabbing spree that has stunned Israelis,” writes Yossi Verter.

Israeli minister: Two-state solution is not a 'valid solution right now',

“My personal view is different from the prime minister,” Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said. “I don’t think it’s a valid solution right now… I think that the status quo is the best option for everyone.”

Joint List head Odeh: Put Netanyahu on trial for anti-Arab incitement,

Joint List head Ayman Odeh wrote a letter on Tuesday to Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein demanding that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be tried for incitement against Arab lawmakers.

US-Israel relations

Hillary Clinton on violence in Israel: “There’s no place for violence”,

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is running for the Democratic nomination in next year’s presidential election, has spoken out about the recent attacks against Israelis.