US Charitable Donations Funding West Bank Settlements

What We’re Reading

From the FMEP Blog

US Charitable Donations Funding West Bank Settlements,

A great deal of support for Israeli settlements comes from the United States in the form of tax-deductible contributions from private donors.

Kerry: Oslo Process Has Been Reversed,

“Having repeatedly stated that a two-state solution is in the U.S. interest, what steps is the U.S. willing to take to create real disincentives for policies that threaten — indeed, are designed — to foreclose that solution?” asks FMEP’s Matt Duss.

US-Israel relations

US nonprofits gave $220m to settlements over five years — report,

Private American donors have pumped more than $220 million into Jewish West Bank settlements in recent years through tax-deductible donations, effectively subsidizing a policy opposed by US administrations for decades, according to a Haaretz investigation released Monday.

Opinion: American Jewish funding to Israel should be transparent – and should support two-state solution, not settlements,

“We cannot support a two-state solution while taking steps that undermine it. We cannot secure Israel’s borders and future while prolonging the occupation. We cannot simply say, “I don’t know” when asked where our money goes,” writes Zach Padgett.

Top Obama aide: US firmly opposed to BDS movement,

The statement was made by US Trade Representative Michael Froman during an appearance before the US-Israel Business Initiative in Washington.

Occupation/Human rights

Palestinian shot dead after stabbing in Hebron's Old City,

The 21-year-old Palestinian man allegedly stabbed an Israeli security officer near flashpoint location.

America's 'Made in Israel' policy that you've probably never heard of,

US rules requiring special labels for West Bank goods gets new attention after EU action.

How Americans really feel about equality for Palestinians and Israelis,

“The Obama administration is only willing to discuss a one-state solution in terms of apartheid and violence. But asked whether Jews and Palestinians should be equal, the vast majority of Americans suddenly become one-state supporters. And then there’s sanctions…” writes Michael Omer-Man.

If only the army could investigate soldiers who harm Palestinians,

“When it comes to prosecuting its own soldiers, it seems the military investigation system is set up to allow the IDF to dodge accountability,” writes Yossi Gurvitz.

John Kerry warns Israel on danger of PA collapse,

Top US diplomat says Israel’s security would be in jeopardy if the Palestinian Authority collapses.


'Palestinian children live in trauma without end',

Chronic warfare in the Gaza Strip is leaving a generation of children with post-traumatic stress disorder.

IDF Chief of Staff: Thin line separates us from escalation in Gaza,

During a speech at Southern Command to mark the merger of Armored Division 143 with the Gaza Division, Eisenkot said the newly formed division must face a complex reality on a daily basis. “From time to time, they challenge us with rocket fire at Israeli territory, and at times, a line as thin as a hair separates us from an incident that ends with rocket fire on an open area to rocket fire that can lead to casualties and an escalation.”