1.Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Hearings
3. Media & Reports
4. Members on the Record (Palestine/Palestinians)
5. Members on the Record (Israel)
6. Members on the Record (Iran)
7. Members on the Record (other Mideast countries)
New from FMEP:
- ***4/4/23: Upcoming FMEP webinar – Spotlight on the “Kohelet Policy Forum”: How a Far-Right-Wing, U.S.-Funded Israeli Think Tank is Working to Shape Policy & Law in Both the US & Israel, ft. Ran Cohen (Democratic Bloc), Yousef Munayyer (Arab Center DC) & Eran Nissan (Mehazkim), and Lara Friedman (FMEP). Details/register here.***
- 3/27/23: New episode of FMEP’s Occupied Thoughts podcast, “Unprecedented” days in Israel/Palestine: Protesting “under the banner of democracy” and ongoing apartheid, ft. FMEP’s Sarah Anne Minkin speaks with Haggai Matar (+972 Magazine)
- Newly released for the public: 2023 Congressional Briefing Series on Palestine and Israel – Key Issues for the 118th Congress. Co-convened by the Foundation for Middle East Peace & the Middle East Institute. 6-part briefing series for Congress held in Feb/Mar 2023, co-moderated by FMEP’s Lara Friedman & MEI’s Khaled Elgindy. Full details/videos of all 6 sessions here. [Beyond Oslo, Extremism in Israel, Human Rights & Accountability, Free Speech, Lawfare, & the Right to Protest, Internal Palestinian Politics, The Role of Congress – Help or Hindrance?]
1. Bills, Resolutions & letters
(IT’S ALWAYS A GOOD TIME IN CONGRESS TO CALL FOR MORE $$ FOR US-ISRAEL COOPERATION) HR 1777: Introduced 3/24/23 by Wilson (R-SC) and 5 bipartisan cosponsors [Lamborn (R-CO), Turner (R-OH), Golden (D-ME), Crow (D-CO), and Ryan (D-NY)], “To direct the Secretary of Defense to establish a fund for the conduct of collaborative defense projects between the United States and Israel in emerging technologies, and for other purposes,” aka, the “United States-Israel Future of Warfare Act of 2023.” Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services. Also see:
- AIPAC tweet urging the public to contact their Representatives to support HR 1777 (and linked action page)
- Wilson press release [“...this bill would establish a $50 million fund for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028 to further support defense collaboration between the two countries in the area of emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, automation, cybersecurity, and directed energy.”]; Lamborn press release
- Tweets: Wilson (R-SC-2) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “Today along with @RepGolden @RepDLamborn @RepJasonCrow @RepMikeTurner and @RepPatRyanNY, I introduced the United States-Israel Future of Warfare Act of 2023. It is critical that we work together strategically to develop joint defense technologies with Israel…”
- Media: Lawmakers push for funding for U.S.-Israel collaborative defense, technology projects (Jewish Insider 3/28/23)
(IT’S ALWAYS A GOOD TIME IN CONGRESS TO CALL FOR MORE $$ FOR US-ISRAEL COOPERATION) HR 2454/S. 1143: Introduced 3/30/23 in the House by Waltz (R-FL) and Ryan (D-NY), and in the Senate by Moran (R-KS) and 8 bipartisan cosponsors, “To direct the Secretary of Defense to carry out a grant program to increase cooperation on post-traumatic stress disorder research between the United States and Israel.” Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services. Also see Waltz press release.
(DON’T SELL ARMS TO HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSERS) HR 1801/S. 1025 (text): Introduced in the House 3/27/23 by Meeks (D-NY) and 5 cosponsors (all Democrats) and in the Senate 3/29/23 by Menendez (D-NJ) and 4 cosponsors (all Democrats), “to enhance the consideration of human rights in arms exports,” aka the “Safeguarding Human Rights in Arms Exports Act of 2023.” Referred in the House to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Rules Committee, and in the Senate to the Committee on Foreign Relations. As summarized in the press release issued by Menendez, this legislation would “bolster Congress’ role in the review of proposed arms sales and exports to prevent the United States from contributing to or facilitating future human rights abuses” by reforming the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 “to guarantee that protection and promotion of human rights is an integral consideration of the export of arms and defense services to foreign countries.” NOTE: There can be little doubt that this legislation is in no way, shape, or form intended to be applied to U.S. arms exports to Israel; likewise, there can be little doubt that defenders of Palestinian rights will be watching this legislation closely, given its obvious relevance to U.S. arms exports to Israel [and watching closely to see if legislators seek to tweak the text to create an Israel exception.
(PREVENT DRONE TECH EXPORT TO IRAN) HR 1809: Introduced 3/27/23 by Keating (D-MA) and 3 bipartisan cosponsors (2 Republicans plus Phillips, D-MN), “To require the development of strategies and options to prevent the export to Iran of certain technologies related to unmanned aircraft systems, and for other purposes.” Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Armed Services. Also see: Keating press release.
(REPEAL IRAQ AUMF) S. 316: Introduced 2/9/23 by Kaine (D-VA) and having 27 bipartisan cosponsors, “A bill to repeal the authorizations for use of military force against Iraq.” This week the Senate continued to consider amendments on the Senate floor to S. 316, including a raft of Iran-related poison pill amendments (also see: Congress authorized war in Iraq. Its repeal debate focuses on Iran – Washington Post 3/28/23, tweeted out by Cornyn, R-TX). Following the conclusion of consideration of those amendments, on 3/29/23 the Senate passed HR 316 by a vote of 66-30. NOTE: There were tons of floor debate, statements, and tweets (some substantive, some merely point-scoring) around S. 316. To find what a specific member may have said, check the Congressional Record, their website, and their Twitter feed (it’s just too much to cover in the Round-Up).
Amendments related to Iran/Middle East amendments to S. 316 that received votes (this week and last):
- S. Amdt. 4: Offered by Cruz (R-TX), making repeal of the AUMF conditional on the President certifying that “Iran has stopped providing financial, technical, and material support to terrorist organizations and other violent groups in Iraq and Syria.” FAILED by a vote of 32-63.
- S. Amdt. 9: Offered by Cruz (R-TX), in effect replacing the AUMF with “findings” making the case that the president has the authority under Article II of the constitution “to use force against forces of Iran, a state responsible for conducting and directing attacks against United States forces in the Middle East and to take actions for the purpose of ending Iran’s escalation of attacks on, and threats to, United States interests.” FAILED by a vote of 41-55.
- S. Amdt. 14: Offered by Graham (R-SC) to re-purpose the 2002 AUMF into an AUMF against Iran-backed militias in Iraq. FAILED by vote of 36-30.
- S. Amdt. 30: Offered by Ricketts (R-NE), linking timing of the repeal of the 2002 AUMF conditional on the President certifying to Congress “that Iraq, Israel, and other United States partners and allies in the region have been meaningfully consulted on the ramifications of repeal” and requiring as part of that certification a report to Congress that includes “a detailed description of how Iraq, Israel, and other United States partners and allies in the region perceive the risks and benefits of a repeal.” FAILED by a vote of 31-65.
- S. Amdt. 33: Offered by Sullivan (R-AK), making repeal of the AUMF conditional on the Director of National Intelligence first certifying to Congress “that repeal will not degrade the effectiveness of United States-led deterrence against Iranian aggression.” Also includes a Rule of Construction stating: “Nothing in this Act shall be construed to restrict the ability of the United States to respond rapidly and decisively to threats by the Government of Iran or its proxy forces against United States facilities or persons, or those of United States allies and partners, as appropriate under the authorities provided to the President in Article II of the Constitution.” FAILED by a vote of 38-57. Also see McConnell (R-KY) press release – Senators Should Support Sen. Sullivan’s Amendment In Wake Of Latest Iranian Attacks On U.S. Forces
- S. Amdt. 43: Offered by Risch (R-ID) to condition repeal of the AUMF on the Secretary of Defense certifying that “legal authorities permitting the detention of terrorists and the litigation position of the United States regarding the detention of terrorists held in whole or in part under the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002…would not be weakened by such repeal”. Failed by a vote of 41-52.
Amendments related to Iran/Middle East amendments to S. 316 that were NOT voted on [worth paying attention to for what they disclose about members’ views/plans]:
- S. Amdt. 1: Offered by Hagerty (R-TN), to authorize the use of force against the “continuing threat posed by international terrorist organizations and sponsors of international terrorism operating in Iraq.“
- S. Amdt. 3: Offered by Rubio (R-FL), giving Congress a legal and permanent veto on any U.S. administration removing the Iran Revolutionary Guards from the list of US-designated foreign terrorist organizations.
- S. Amdt. 5: Offered by Rubio (R-FL), to condition repeal of the AUMF on the President certifying that “Iran has released all United States citizens detained as of the date of the enactment of this Act and has committed to refrain from wrongfully and unjustly detaining United States citizens in the future.”
- S. Amdt. 6: Offered by Rubio (R-FL), requiring the before entering into any new agreement with the government of Iran, the president must certify to Congress that “Iran is respecting the internationally-recognized human rights of women.”
- S. Amdt. 7: Offered by Rubio (R-FL), to condition repeal of the AUMF on the Director of National Intelligence certifying that to Congress that “there are no longer any threats in or emanating out of Iraq to United States persons and personnel by Iranian-backed militias and proxies”
- S. Amdt. 12: Offered by Johnson (R-WI), to attach a provision that would give the Senate a veto over any future agreement with Iran, making it subject to Senate approval by a supermajority vote (i.e., two-thirds voting in favor]. Also, barring the President from providing any Iran sanctions relief related to such a nuclear agreement with Iran (notwithstanding any other provision of law – so effectively canceling any existing presidential authorities in this area) unless that agreement is approved by said supermajority of senators.
- S. Amdt. 32: Offered by Sullivan (R-AK), making repeal of the AUMF conditional on the President first having “rescinded a determination of the Secretary of State that the Government of Iran has repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism by submitting.”
- S. Amdt. 34: Offered by Hagerty (R-TN), making repeal of the AUMF conditional on the Director of National Intelligence first certifying to Congress “that Iranian leadership will not perceive such repeal as weakening United States strength in the region.”
- S. Amdt. 35: Offered by Hagerty (R-TN), making repeal of the AUMF conditional on the Director of National Intelligence first certifying to Congress “China’s malign influence in the region will not be advantaged as a result of such repeal.”
- S. Amdt. 36: Offered by Risch (R-ID), making repeal of the AUMF conditional on the Attorney General and the Secretary of Defense first jointly certifying to Congress “that legal authorities permitting the detention of terrorists and the litigation position of the United States regarding the detention of terrorists would not be weakened by such repeal.”
- S. Amdt. 39: Offered by Lankford (R-OK), adding an explicit AUMF to be used “as the President determines to be necessary and appropriate” to use US armed forces “against any person or force that is engaged in hostilities against the United States, the Armed Forces, or any other United States personnel, including any person or force that is the recipient of material, practical, or operational support from a state sponsor of terrorism or a foreign terrorist organization.”
- S. Amdt. 41: Offered by Risch (R-ID), making repeal of the AUMF conditional on the Secretary of Defense first certifying to Congress that “legal authorities permitting the detention of terrorists and the litigation position of the United States regarding the detention of terrorists being held in whole or in part under the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002…would not be weakened by such repeal.”
- S. Amdt. 42: Offered by Risch (R-ID), identical to S. Amdt. 41, above.
- S. Amdt. 56: Offered by Manchin (D-WV), to add a rule of construction stating: “Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent the United States from appropriately responding to attacks or the destabilizing malign tactics of–(1) nation states, such as Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, or the People’s Republic of China;(2) violent extremist organizations; or(3) foreign terrorist organizations (as defined in section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189)).”
(NO US FUNDS FOR SETTLEMENTS, INVESTIGATE ISRAELI USE OF US WEAPONS) Bowman/Sanders et al letter to Biden and Blinken: This week media reported on a letter to President Biden and SecState Blinken being circulated for signatures by Rep. Bowman (D-NY) and Sen. Sanders (I-VT) (Dear Colleague email accompanying the letter is here). So far the letter has reportedly been signed by: Bowman, Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Lee (D-PA), Tlaib (D-MI), Bush (D-MO), Omar (D-MN), McCollum (D-MN), Carson (D-IN), and Pressley (D-MA). The letter opens: “We write to you with deep concern regarding the rapidly escalating violence in the occupied Palestinian West Bank and the alarming actions of the new extreme right-wing Israeli government. We urge immediate action to prevent the further loss of Israeli and Palestinian lives. At this inflection point, we ask your administration to undertake a shift in U.S. policy in recognition of the worsening violence, further annexation of land, and denial of Palestinian rights. Only by protecting democracy, human rights, and self-determination for all Palestinians and Israelis can we achieve a lasting peace.” The letter goes on to specifically ask the Biden Administration to:
- “Ensure U.S. taxpayer funds do not support projects in illegal settlements”
- “Determine whether U.S.-origin defense articles have been used in violation of existing U.S. laws, including for a purpose not authorized by Section 4 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. § 2754) or to commit or support gross violations of human rights by the Israeli government in violation of Section 502B(a)(2) of the Foreign Assistance Act (22 U.S.C. § 2304(a)(2)) and the U.S. ‘Leahy Laws,’ Section 620M of the Foreign Assistance Act (22 U.S.C. § 2378d and 10 U.S.C. § 362)”
- “ensure that all future foreign assistance to Israel, including weapons and equipment, is not used in support of gross violations of human rights, including by strengthening end-use monitoring and financial tracking” and “respond with a detailed plan as to how the administration plans to achieve that goal”
Also see:
- Groups Supporting the letter: The Dear Colleague accompanying the letter includes a list of groups supporting the letter: “Americans for Peace Now, Jewish Voice for Peace Action, IfNotNow Movement, AJP Action, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, Justice Democrats, Peace Action, Working Families Party, Defense for Children International –Palestine, American Friends Service Committee, Center for Jewish Nonviolence, Progressive Democrats of America, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), Win Without War, Churches For Middle East Peace, Eko, Center for Constitutional Rights, Dream Defenders, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Arab American Institute, Adalah Justice Project, Power Action Fund”.
- J Street: Jewish Currents reports – “J Street, the most prominent liberal Zionist group operating in Washington, was not among the public supporters of the letter at the time of publication, even as the letter’s demand for an investigation into whether Israel is complying with the Arms Export Control Act echoes some of J Street’s positions. The organization has requested that the Biden administration investigate whether an Israeli home demolition operation in the West Bank used US weapons in violation of that law; at its policy conference in December, J Street president Jeremy Ben Ami called for ‘oversight and accountability for how our aid to Israel is actually being used.’ J Street spokesperson Logan Bayroff declined to comment on the letter.” This fact has not stopped AIPAC from using the Bowman/Sanders letter to target J St – see: AIPAC Tweet 3/30/23, “J Street funds members of Congress who demonize Israel. J Street endorsees are pushing a letter that undermines the Biden administration’s work to reduce tensions between Israel and the Palestinians. @jstreetdotorg is many things, but it’s not pro-Israel.” Also here and here (if the past 24 hours are an indication, AIPAC will likely keep tweeting about this for a while).
- Media: Jamaal Bowman and Bernie Sanders Urge the Biden State Department to Investigate Israeli Use of US Weapons (Jewish Currents 3/29/23); Lawmakers ask Biden to investigate Israel’s use of US arms (Responsible Statecraft 3/29/23); ‘Precedent-setting’: Lawmakers demand Biden probe Israel’s use of US arms (Middle East Eye 3/29/23); Progressive Democrats Plan to Make Strongest Statement Yet Against Netanyahu’s Far-right Government (Haaretz 3/29/23); Democrats Pressure Biden to Shift U.S. Policy Toward Israel (Newsweek 3/29/23); Rep. Summer Lee signs letter urging shift in US policy toward Israel (Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle 3/30/23); Democrats urge Biden to investigate Israel’s use of American weapons on Palestinians (Middle East Monitor 3/30/23)
(IMPOSE SANCTIONS ON IRAN FOR RUSSIA TRANSACTIONS) McCaul-Wilson-Kean letter to Blinken: On 3/29/23, Reps. McCaul (R-TX), Wilson (R-SC), and Kean (R-NJ) sent a letter to SecState Blinken urging the Biden Administration to “to impose mandatory sanctions pursuant to Section 231 of the Countering America’s Adversaries through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) (P.L. 115-44) in response to the Government of Iran’s significant defense transactions with the Russian Federation.”
Also see:
- McCaul press release
- Media: Senior HFAC Republicans call for additional sanctions on Iran for supporting Russia (Jewish Insider 3/30/23)
- McCaul (R-TX-10) 03/29/2023: Twitter thread – “CHM @RepMcCaul, Middle East, North Africa, & Central Asia Subcmte Chairman @RepJoeWilson, & Europe Subcmte Chairman #RepTomKeanJr sent a letter to @SecBlinken urging him to impose mandatory sanctions in response to the Gov of Iran’s significant defense transactions with Russia…”
(TAKE A STAND ON TUNISIA) Meeks/Connolly-led letter to Blinken: On 3/27/23 Reps. Meeks (D-NY) and Connolly (D-VA) led a letter, cosigned by 18 fellow House Democrats, to SecState Blinken, expressing “grave concern following Tunisian President Kais Saied’s intensified crackdown against his perceived political opposition in recent weeks, a stark acceleration in Tunisia’s autocratic consolidation.” The letter urges the Biden Administration: “to continue to highlight Tunisia’s significant democratic regression and insist on the immediate and unconditional release of all those arbitrarily detained”; “to ensure that any U.S. foreign assistance to Tunisia supports the restoration of inclusive, democratic governance and rule of law, or directly supports Tunisians in dire economic need, and does not strengthen the hand of those, including the internal security services, that have exacerbated repression and authoritarianism under President Kais Saied”; “to make clear that Saied’s crackdown undermines the confidence in the rule of law that is essential for a flourishing U.S.-Tunisia relationship and international monetary support that could benefit the Tunisian people and alleviate economic hardship”; and “to make clear that President Saied’s racist and xenophobic remarks are unacceptable, and work with partner governments and intergovernmental bodies such as the African Union to coordinate a clear and sustained message of strong support for democratic institutions and the right to peaceful expression in Tunisia.”
Also see:
- Press release
- Meeks (D-NY-5) 03/28/2023: Twitter thread – “RM @RepGregoryMeeks: Proud to join @GerryConnolly and 18 Members of Congress in expressing concern over Tunisian President Saied’s intensified crackdown on civil society activists and calling out the unacceptable nature of Saied’s comments regarding African migrants. #Tunisia’s…” Meeks (D-NY-5) 03/28/2023: Retweet of @ElizHagedorn – “NEW: A group of 20 House Democrats led by @GerryConnolly and @RepGregoryMeeks say Saied’s crackdown raises “serious concerns about the future of the US-#Tunisia relationship.”
- Media: House Democrats warn Saied’s crackdown risks US-Tunisia relationship (Al Monitor 3/28/23)
(STANDING UP FOR POLITICAL PRISONERS IN SAUDI ARABIA) Raskin/Meeks letter to MBS: On 3/27/23, Reps. Raskin (D-MD) and Mace (R-SC) led a letter, co-signed by 23 House colleagues, to Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman calling for the immediate release of Saudi citizens incarcerated merely for sending tweets. The letter notes: “Jailing people for their expression, including criticism of their nation’s political rulers, is an intolerable violation of human rights and freedom of speech. No human being should spend a day—much less 19 years or 34 years—behind bars because they have displeased a government ruler with their opinions.” It closes: “When you initially came to power, you spoke of making Saudi Arabia more open and tolerant. You promised to reform harsh laws and policies preventing the country’s progress. We had high hopes you were serious. Instead, not only have you further trampled on your own citizens’ rights to free thought and free speech, but you have undermined the essential freedoms that sovereign democratic countries strive to protect for our citizens. These outrages undermine global political freedom. We condemn your barbaric prosecutions and call on you immediately to order the release of every individual you have detained and incarcerated for sending tweets.”
Also see:
- Press release
- Tweets: Raskin (D-MD-8) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has jailed numerous Saudi citizens simply for tweeting criticism of his autocratic regime. @RepNancyMace and I are demanding the immediate release of these political prisoners. Raskin, Mace Lead Bipartisan Effort to Free Political Prisoners in Saudi Arabia… | raskin.house.gov” Retweeted by Mace (R-SC-1)
March 29, 2023: The House Committee on Education and the Workforce’ Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development held a hearing entitled, “Diversity of Thought: Protecting Free Speech on College Campuses.” [NOTE: Unsurprisingly, this hearing was not/not about defending or even talking about protecting free speech on college campuses with respect to diversity of thought on Israel/Palestine]. Witnesses were: Ilya Shapiro, Manhattan Institute (statement); Cherise Trump, Speech First (statement); Josiah Joner, Stanford Review (statement) and Suzanne Nossel, PEN America (statement). Also see: Chairman Owens (R-UT) opening statement; hearing video; hearing recap.
March 30, 2023: The House Armed Services Committee held a hearing entitled, “FY24 Defense Budget Request.” Witnesses were: SecDef Austin (statement) and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Milley (statement). Both witness statements included significant focus on Iran and Iran also came up in the Q&A with members. Also see: hearing video.
March 28, 2023: The Senate Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Strategic Forces held a hearing entitled, “To receive testimony on regional nuclear deterrence.” Witnesses were: Elaine Bunn, CSIS (statement); Brad Roberts, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (statement); Gregory Weaver, CSIS (no statement available); and Evan Montgomery, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (no statement available). Also see: hearing video.
March 28, 2023: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing entitled, “U.S. Support Of Democracy and Human Rights.” Scheduled witnesses are: Leopoldo Lopez, Venezuelan Freedom Activist/ Co-Founder of the World Liberty Congress (testimony); Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, Leader of the Democratic Forces of Belarus (testimony); and Damon Wilson, National Endowment for Democracy (testimony). Also see: hearing video.
March 28, 2023: The Senate Armed Services Committee held a hearing entitled, “To receive testimony on the Department of Defense budget request for Fiscal Year 2024 and the Future Years Defense Program.” Witnesses were: SecDef Austin (statement); Under Secretary of Defence McCord; and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley.
Also see:
- hearing video
- Rosen (D-NV) press release 3/28/23: Rosen Pushes Biden Administration to Respond to Increased Iranian Aggression, Protect American Servicemembers
- Cotton (R-AR) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “Iran has launched 83 attacks against Americans since Joe Biden took office. We’ve responded with strikes only four times. What kind of message does this send, when we wait to respond until an American is killed? Link to video”
- Cornyn (R-TX) 03/28/2023: Retweet of @LucasFoxNews – “SEN. COTTON: How many attacks has Iran or its proxies launched against American positions in Iraq and Syria since Joe Biden took office? SEC. AUSTIN: 83 attacks COTTON: How many times have we retaliated against Iran or its proxies? AUSTIN: We’ve launched 4 major strikes”
- Budd (R-NC) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “Weakness breeds more aggression. There is no reason why the Biden Administration should not respond more forcefully when Iranian-backed militias threaten U.S. forces. It’s not because the Administration doesn’t have the legal authority, it’s because they lack the will. Link to video”
- Cotton (R-AR) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “The Department of Defense kept news of an Iranian-backed attack hidden from Congress—to influence a vote on the president’s ability to respond to just such an attack. Such politicization of the DOD is unacceptable. Sen. Cotton blasts Sec. Lloyd Austin over Iran proxy attack: ‘I don’t believe you’… | foxnews.com #FoxNews”
- Cotton (R-AR) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “The Department of Defense kept Congress in the dark about an Iranian drone killing an American for one reason: to influence a vote on the president’s ability to respond to such an attack. Senior ranks of DOD have become unacceptably politicized under Joe Biden. Link to video”
- Cotton (R-AR) 03/28/2023: Retweet of @FoxNews – “Sen. Cotton blasts Sec. Lloyd Austin over Iran proxy attack: ‘I don’t believe you’ Sen. Cotton blasts Sec. Lloyd Austin over Iran proxy attack: ‘I don’t believe you’… | fxn.ws”
- Rosen (D-NV) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “Iran & its terrorist proxies, which have killed hundreds of Americans, are increasing aggression in the Middle East. Today, I pushed @SecDef & @thejointstaff to take action to counter Iranian-backed militias & protect Americans from harm. Link to image”
- Media: Austin admits admin should’ve notified Congress ‘earlier’ about Syria strike (Politico 3/28/23), 2-:Jewish Insider 3/29/23: Biden administration has only launched four ‘major responses’ to Iranian-backed attacks on U.S. forces, Austin says
Jewish Insider 3/30/23: Boy Meets Congress Ben Savage, who rose to fame as the teenage lead in the ‘90s sitcom ‘Boy Meets World,’ has a new audience: voters [to replace Adam Schiff; excerpt: “Savage has not traveled to Israel but hopes to do so soon. ‘Everyone I know that visits there just talks about how it’s such an inspiring place to be and how it reinvigorates their love of Israel and also being Jewish, which is really special,’ said Savage. ‘It’s the only Jewish state in the world, so I think we should be doing all we can to make sure that Israel is safe and protected.’”]
Jewish Insider 3/29/23: After praising Netanyahu, Porter ‘concerned’ about ‘far-right voices’ in his coalition
Washington Post 3/28/23: Hill takes cautious approach to Netanyahu judicial proposal
Vox 3/28/23: The 3 big questions facing Israel after Netanyahu delays judicial overhaul
Jewish Insider 3/28/23: U.S. lawmakers: Israeli judicial reform debate has raised concerns for Israeli security
Times of Israel 3/28/23: US lauds pause on judicial overhaul, blasts bills Netanyahu has been seeking to pass
Jewish News Syndicate 3/28/23: Tlaib faces backlash for tweet with wrong accusation against Israeli police
Jewish Insider 3/27/23: Yellen: Iran sanctions have been ‘much less’ successful ‘than we would ideally like’
Newsweek 3/27/23: How J Street Turned Democrats Against Israel
Washington Free Beacon 3/24/23: Teachers at US-Funded Palestinian Schools Promote Hate and Violence Against Jews on Social Media, Report Finds [“The findings, which were recently presented to Congress, are likely to fuel ongoing efforts by House and Senate lawmakers to defund UNRWA, which receives more than half a billion dollars from U.S. taxpayers. Funding to the group was mostly frozen during the Trump administration but restarted in 2021 by the Biden administration, which approved a $150 million payment for the organization.”]
4. Members on the Record (Palestine/Palestinians)
Omar (D-MN) 3/28/23: press release – ““I am inspired by the hundreds of thousands of Israelis taking to the streets to protest the right-wing Israeli government’s plans to overhaul the independent judiciary and centralize power. I am especially inspired by the demands from many protesters to end the illegal occupation of Palestinian land and halt Prime Minister Netanyahu’s push for what amounts to full annexation of Palestinian land. Peace will not come at the barrel of a gun. The only way for Palestinians and Israelis to have full human rights and self-determination is if the people demand it. I am hopeful that these unprecedented demonstrations will lead to renewed hope for democratic governance, peace, justice, and accountability for the harm the occupation has caused.”
Tlaib (D-MI-12) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “Too many are silent. @potus, this is the holy month of Ramadan & people are being met with violence while praying. When do we say enough with the unconditional funding? Too many have died with the silence + it enables more of this horror, violence, death and xenophobia. Link to quoted tweet”
Tlaib (D-MI-12) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “This is the violent apartheid government of Israel. Don’t look away. Link to quoted tweet” Also see: Bacon (R-NE-2) 03/27/2023: Retweet of @AIPAC – “Don’t look away. This is a member of Congress promoting a dangerous, anti-Israel lie that incites further conflict and violence. Even after proven false, she still hasn’t taken down her post. Why is @RashidaTlaib adding fuel to the fire instead of calling for calm and peace? Link to quoted tweet”
5. Members on the Record (Israel)
Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Herzog 3/28/23: I had a great meeting today with Democratic Leader @RepJeffries, a staunch supporter of Israel. We discussed challenges and opportunities in our region and his upcoming visit to Israel. I thanked him for his deep commitment to Israel-U.S. relations.”
Protests in Israel/US-Israel relations
Cotton (R-AR) 03/30/2023: Retweet of @marklevinshow – “Tom Cotton condemns Biden’s disrespectful conduct toward Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Exclusive — Cotton: Biden Should Invite Netanyahu to White House… | breitbart.com”
McCarthy (R-CA-20) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “Prime Minister Netanyahu is an Israeli patriot, statesman, and most importantly, a great friend of the USA. Free societies have vigorous and open debate. Israel is no exception. I support @netanyahu, and America’s support for Israel’s strong, vibrant democracy is unwavering.” Retweeted by Cornyn (R-TX), Jordan (R-OH-4), Miller (R-OH-7), Weber (R-TX-14)
Rubio (R-FL) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “Biden was right to not interfere in the internal politics of France when despite massive protests Macron changed the pension system Yet he was quick to interfere in the internal politics of #Israel to appease the Anti-Israel left Link to image”
Stefanik (R-NY-21) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “Biden’s hostile comments toward our ally Israel are shameful. Democracies around the world have robust debates over policy issues, yet Israel is the only target of Biden’s hostility & condemnation. I am always proud to stand with Israel. It’s time for Joe Biden to do the same.”
Stefanik (R-NY-21) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “My full statement in support of Israel: Link to image”
Stefanik (R-NY-21) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “Biden’s hostile comments toward our democratic ally Israel are shameful. Democracies around the world have robust debates over policy issues, yet Israel is the only target of Biden’s hostility and condemnation. I’m proud to stand with Israel. It’s time for Biden to do the same.”
Klobuchar (D-MN) 3/30/23: floor statement – “Israel is America’s ally and partner in intelligence and defense. Our Nation’s relationship with Israel is built upon shared democratic values that have united our countries throughout the last 75 years. The decision this week of the Netanyahu government in Israel to suspend the proposed judicial legislation opens the door for Israelis to find a path forward. For Israel to remain a bedrock for democracies globally, it must have an independent judiciary, support for the rule of law, and a system of proper checks and balances.”
Stefanik (R-NY) 03/30/23: statement – ““President Biden’s hostile comments toward our ally Israel are shameful. Democracies around the world often have robust debates over policy issues, yet Israel is the only target of Biden’s hostility, criticism, and condemnation. At a time when our foreign adversaries like Iran are emboldened because of Joe Biden’s weakness on the world stage, the Biden Administration should focus on strengthening our support for Israel to stand up to these shared threats. I am proud to always stand with our ally Israel and call on President Biden to do the same.”
Cornyn (R-TX) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “President Biden lectures the Israeli Prime Minister on judicial reform while staying silent on Iran. Opinion | Biden Meddles in Israeli Politics via @WSJopinion”
Cotton (R-AR) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “Prime Minister Netanyahu is one of our closest partners in the world. President Biden should absolutely invite him to the White House.”
Cruz (R-TX) 03/29/2023: Retweet of @Kredo0 – “NEW: Biden Meddles in Israeli Democracy — Anti-Netanyahu comments come just weeks after @FreeBeacon reported State Dept funding for group fuelling anti-government unrest in Israel. @SenTedCruz calls Biden comments “utterly disgraceful” Biden Meddles in Israeli Democracy… | freebeacon.com”
Dean (D-PA-4) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “To be pro-Israel is to be pro-democracy. A strong and independent judiciary is crucial to any democracy — including Israel’s. I applaud the thousands of Israelis who showed their opposition to Netanyahu’s actions. Israel cannot become an authoritarian state. Link to video” [Read floor statement here.]
Kim (D-NJ-3) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “Congressman Kim, @RepJasonCrow and @RepHoulahan released a joint statement urging PM Netanyahu to halt proposed judicial changes. Reps. Kim, Crow, Houlahan Issue Statement in Response to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Proposed Judicial Overhaul… | kim.house.gov”
Rubio (R-FL) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “If during these already dangerous days Israel is attacked by Hezbollah, Hamas or Iran it will be because Joe Biden decided to involve himself in Israeli politics”
Van Hollen (D-MD) via Christiane Amanpour (CNN) 3/29/23: Tweet – “Senator @ChrisVanHollen tells me he’s discussed with the Biden administration the possibility of ‘reversing some measures that the Trump administration took in the very final weeks of the Trump administration that blurred the lines between Israel and the West Bank.’”
Castro (D-TX-20) 03/28/2023: Retweet of @BarakRavid – “President Biden said on Tuesday that the Israeli government can’t “continue down this road” with its judicial overhaul plan and stressed he is not going to invite Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to the White House “in the near term”. My report on @axios Biden says Netanyahu won’t get White House invitation in “near future”… | axios.com”
Cruz (R-TX) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “Utterly disgraceful. Biden gleefully hosts anti-American radicals like Lula, while shunning close American allies like Netanyahu. It’s clear that Biden and his officials are high from funding what they believe to be successful anti-government protests in Israel. Link to quoted tweet”
Hoyer (D-MD-5) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “See my statement on recent developments in Israel: Link to image”
Panetta (D-CA-19) 03/28/2023: Twitter thread – “A big part of democracy is about debate, discussion, and dissent. We are witnessing that in the only democratic country in the Middle East. Israel judicial overhaul plans delayed amid huge protests, says Ben Gvir’s Jewish Power party | CNN The pause of legislation to reform Israel’s judicial system is a promising and welcome step that hopefully creates space for all parties to come together and seek common ground around our shared democratic values.”
Schatz (D-HI) 03/28/2023: Retweet of @Bsamuels0 – “Big, big deal: Biden says Israel “cannot continue to go down this road,” Netanyahu won’t be invited to the White House in the near term Biden says Israel ‘cannot continue down the road,’ no Netanyahu invitation ‘in near term’… | haaretz.com”
Vance (R-OH) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “The people who say they love democracy are actively pressuring Israel to give up their democracy to judicial supremacy. Almost all of the “democracy” worship in Washington is from elites who hate when the people dare to disagree with them. Link to quoted tweet”
Crow (D-CO-6) 03/27/2023: Twitter thread – “National security must always be rooted in democratic ideals and independent institutions. That’s why I’m deeply concerned by the proposed judicial overhaul and subsequent firing of Israeli Defense Minister Gallant over the weekend. Moving forward with this legislation would erode Israel’s democracy and further undermine our collective security. The Israeli people have taken to the streets in overwhelming numbers, showing a clear lack of support. PM Netanyahu should permanently halt the proposed changes not just because Israel is a close ally and partner but because proceeding would be a severe blow to its democracy.”
Crow (D-CO), Kim (D-NJ) and Houlahan (D-PA) 03/27/2023: Joint statement – “Democratic values have bonded the US and Israel together. That’s why, as some of the staunchest supporters of Israel, we are deeply concerned by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s proposal to overhaul Israel’s judicial system and subsequently fire Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for voicing his dissent. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s recent decisions would weaken democratic institutions, endanger the diversity of views and voices in Israel, and undermine regional and national security. Separation of powers and honest discourse are hallmarks of democracy and vital to Israel’s regional and national security. Independent institutions are fundamental to the stability and longevity of democracy. The overwhelming protests make clear that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s actions lack popular support. We stand in solidarity with the peaceful protestors who are decisively and collectively taking to the streets. We urge Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli leaders to permanently halt the proposed judicial changes and restore the people’s confidence in Israel’s democratic ideals.”
Jackson (R-TX-13) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “The reports that Biden’s State Department is directly and indirectly aiding, assisting, & leading the protests in Israel should concern EVERY American. Biden can’t stand that Bibi is tough on Iran, and he’s doing EVERYTHING he can to topple his government. It’s DISGRACEFUL!”
Lee (D-CA-12) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “Encouraged by reports that PM Netanyahu is backing away from the divisive judicial legislation recently proposed. All who support peace should stand with Israelis speaking out to defend democracy and inclusion. Live updates: Israel protests erupt in Tel Aviv as Netanyahu’s crisis deepens… | cnn.com”
Meeks (D-NY-5) 03/27/2023: Twitter thread – “RM @RepGregoryMeeks: I welcome Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s pause of legislation that would radically change Israel’s judicial system and encourage the PM to find common ground and a productive way forward. #Israel faces enormous national security challenges and it must remain focused and united. It can ill afford the self inflicted wounds we have watched unfold in recent days.”
Menendez (D-NJ) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “READ: #SFRC Chairman Menendez statement on developments in Israel Link to image”
Murphy (D-CT) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “It’s important for the Senate to speak in a bipartisan way on U.S.-Israel policy. Tonight, @MittRomney and I released the following statement on recent events in Israel. Link to image” Also see statement here.
Nadler (D-NY-12) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “Read my full statement on developments in Israel: Link to image”
Nadler (D-NY-12) 03/27/2023: Retweet of @NYJewishAgenda – “.@NYJewishAgenda with other organizations standing up for democracy in Israel. @rabbijilljacobs reading a statement from @RepJerryNadler Link to video”
Phillips (D-MN-3) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “As we’ve seen in Israel this week, democracy doesn’t prevent discord, rather it provides a non-violent mechanism to mobilize, peacefully protest, and affect the will of the people without fear of being shot or imprisoned. The essence of freedom and self-determination.”
Schneider (D-IL-10) 03/27/2023: Twitter thread – “Prime Minister Netanyahu’s announced pause of legislation to reform Israel’s judiciary is a promising and welcome step that hopefully will create space for all parties to come together and find common ground. As a life-long, committed supporter of Israel and with Passover approaching, I pray all sides will use the time to reflect on the ties that have bound the Jewish nation since time immemorial. In that spirit, I hope for fair and open negotiations towards a resolution that is broadly acceptable across Israeli society. I commend President Herzog for his tireless work to bring the sides together, Prime Minister Netanyahu for announcing a pause, and all the leaders in Israel committed to coming to the table and working together to build consensus, confront extremism and advance democracy. May the people and nation of Israel stay strong and safe. And may the unique, strategic bonds between the U.S. and Israel—a relationship forged in our mutual commitment to democracy—continue to deepen and grow.”
Welch (D-VT) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “The future of Israel as a democratic state is at an inflection point. The Israeli people have made their voices heard to preserve democracy. Now the government of Israel must take responsible actions. Israel judicial overhaul plans delayed amid huge protests, says Ben Gvir’s Jewish Power party | CNN”
Schumer (D-NY) 03/27/2023: press release – Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks Echoing President Herzog’s Call For Compromise Following The Suspension Of Changes To The Israeli Judicial System Proposed By Prime Minister Netanyahu
Allred (D-TX-32) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “Checks & balances are fundamental to any democracy, as is the need to find consensus. The news coming out of Israel is extremely concerning, and I urge the Israeli government to find a compromise to ensure Israel upholds the values we share as democracies. Israel in chaos as workers strike, ports close and officials protest over Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul… | nbcnews.com”
Allred (D-TX-32) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “Protesting is an act of hope, and hundreds of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets because they believe in their democracy and want to protect it. As Americans know well, sometimes moments of crisis remind us how tenuous our democracies can be. Israeli defense minister breaks ranks and calls for halt to judicial overhaul | CNN”
Bennet (D-CO) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “Israelis are in the streets standing up for democracy and the rule of law, and instead of firing those who voice dissent, @netanyahu and the country’s leadership should heed their call.”
Cohen (D-TN-9) 03/26/2023: Tweet – “via @nytimes Israel democracy and defense strength in jeopardy;secondary to authoritarian Netanyahu fear of criminal conviction in his corruption trial. He and Trump share many character flaws and are threats to rule of law and public safety. Israel’s Government Speeds Judicial Overhaul Despite Defense Minister’s Plea… | nytimes.com”
Jayapal (D-WA-7) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “The actions proposed by Netanyahu and the Israeli government are anti-democratic and dangerous. I stand in solidarity with those who are peacefully protesting and urge the government to reject these changes. Live Updates: Turmoil Engulfs Israel Over Plan to Overhaul Top Court… | nytimes.com”
Sanders (I-VT) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “I applaud the hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens peacefully protesting against their extreme government’s actions. Israel deserves a fully democratic government that protects the rights of all and works to assure peace and dignity for Palestinians and Israelis alike.”
Schatz (D-HI) 03/26/2023: Retweet of @BarakRavid – “BREAKING: Israeli consul general in New York @asafzamir announced his resignation tonight after Netanyahu fires Minister of Defense Galant. “I can no longer continue representing this government”, he said”
Schatz (D-HI) 03/26/2023: Retweet of @yiftahc – “Sending love to friends, family and colleagues in Israel this evening. Israeli democracy will prevail Link to video”
Schatz (D-HI) 03/26/2023: Twitter thread – “I am in solidarity with all Israelis who are peacefully expressing their outrage. What Bibi is doing is alarming, appalling, and perilous for the relationship between our two countries. We stand for democracy. Link to reply @kam3266 Yes. Thank you.”
Schatz (D-HI) 03/26/2023: Retweet of @Bsamuels0 – “.@brianschatz warns: “What Bibi is doing is alarming, appalling, and perilous for the relationship between our two countries.” The Jewish Democrat from Hawaii is the fifth senator in recent days to air growing concerns about the state of affairs in Israel Netanyahu fires Defense Minister Gallant for calling to stop judicial overhaul… | haaretz.com”
Schatz (D-HI) 03/27/2023: Retweet of @BGrueskin – “Former Israeli Prime Minister: “The State of Israel is in the greatest danger since the Yom Kippur War.” Link to image”
Slotkin (D-MI-7) 03/26/2023: Twitter thread – “Watching the dramatic events unfolding in Israel tonight. The state’s focus on security can’t be overstated, so for senior defense officials & military personnel to be fired or refuse to serve is unprecedented. The government’s efforts to fundamentally alter the judiciary are now having concrete consequences, threatening Israel’s stability, its security, and its democratic values. The Supreme Court’s authority is fundamental to Israel remaining both a Jewish and a democratic state — something I and so many other Americans have always believed in. I urge Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Netanyahu, to listen to the overwhelming public opposition to these planned changes. Continuing on the current track is unsustainable, as the events of this weekend have made clear.”
Castro (D-TX-20) 03/25/2023: Retweet of @FridaGhitis – “Israel Defense Minister breaks with Netanyahu. “The rift within our society is widening and penetrating the Israel Defense Forces…This is a clear and immediate and tangible danger to the security of the state. I shall not be a party to this.” Israel’s Defense Minister Says Government Should Halt Contentious Judicial Plan… | nytimes.com”
Phillips (D-MN-3) 03/25/2023: Tweet – ““This is a clear and immediate and tangible danger to the security of the state. I shall not be a party to this.” These words from Israel’s defense minister should give immediate pause to those risking the security of Israel and its relationship with the United States of America. Link to quoted tweet”
Williams (R-NY-22) 03/29/2023: Retweet of @j_a_fisher – “Thank you Rep. Brandon Williams @Brandon4NY22 @RepWilliams for supporting a strong U.S.-Israel relationship! @AIPAC Pi Sigma Alpha @PSANational Link to image”
Davis (D-NC-1) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “It was an honor & a privilege to spend the morning with you, @RepTonyGonzales, and our @AIPAC friends. I am also looking forward to the continued partnership ahead! Link to quoted tweet” Retweeted by Gonzales (R-TX-23)
Gonzales (R-TX-23) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “Honored to speak at the AIPAC New Leadership Network Summit with @DonDavisNC. A strong US- Israel partnership is key to global security. I look forward to continuing our friendship with one of our strongest overseas allies. @AIPAC Link to image”
Williams (R-NY-22) 03/28/2023: Retweet of @j_a_fisher – “Thank you Rep. Brandon Williams @Brandon4NY22 @RepWilliams for supporting a strong U.S.-Israel relationship! @AIPAC Pi Sigma Alpha @PSANational Link to image”
Bacon (R-NE-2) 03/27/2023: Retweet of @JGreenblattADL – “The Passover massacre was the deadliest attack against Israelis during the violent Second Intifada. 11 of the 30 victims that night were Holocaust survivors. May the memories of all the victims be a blessing and may this coming Passover be a peaceful one. Link to quoted tweet”
Yakym (R-IN-2) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “Honored to speak at @AIPAC New Leadership Network Summit last evening. For 75 years America and Israel have been steadfast allies, and AIPAC is one of the reasons why. Link to image”
Gimenez (R-FL-28) 03/26/2023: Tweet – “Proud to be at @ZOA_National with honoree Mark Levin and so many fellow friends of the democratic, Jewish State of #Israel. I have always supported Israel’s right to defend itself and I look forward to continue fighting as a Member of @HASCRepublicans! Link to image”
Torres (D-NY) via Combat Antisemitism Movement 3/26/23: Tweet – ““I’m a Zionist not ‘in-spite’ of my progressive identity but because of it.” – Congressmen @RitchieTorres at the @Birthright Excel Conference, co-sponsored by @CombatASemitism”.
Other stuff
Cornyn (R-TX) 03/30/2023: Retweet of @HudsonInstitute – “AIRING NOW The Abraham Accords have increased trade, cultural interaction, & tourism among #Israel & its Arab neighbors. @Doranimated examines what have the Abraham Accords achieved thus far & what work remains to be done w/ @OfirAkunis & @RC_Greenway. The Abraham Accords: Achievements and Prospects… | hudson.org Link to image”
Graham (R-SC) 03/29/2023: Twitter thread – “Just had a very positive phone call with Israeli Foreign Minister Cohen. I appreciate his recent meeting with President Zelensky in Ukraine and the technical assistance provided by Israel to Ukraine to defend themselves against Russian aggression. I have known Foreign Minister Cohen for many years and consider him a personal friend and a friend of the United States. Israel and the United States have an unbreakable bond, and I look forward to my upcoming visit to build on the Abraham Accords and move the region forward in a historic fashion.” [Cohen responded on Twitter – “Thank you so much Senator @LindseyGrahamSC. You are a true friend of Israel and I’m looking forward to meeting you in Jerusalem. The United States is our closest ally, and the relationship between our countries will continue to be close and warm”
Wyden (D-OR) 3/29/23: Press release – Wyden Investigation Finds Credit Suisse Complicit in Ongoing Tax Evasion by Ultra-Wealthy Americans [“Credit Suisse indicated to the committee that a U.S.-Latin American family transferred tens of millions of dollars out of Credit Suisse to Bank Leumi in Israel. It is unclear whether Bank Leumi, which also entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with DOJ, ever disclosed the existence of the accounts to DOJ.”] Also see full report: Credit Suisse’s Role in U.S. Tax Evasion Schemes.
Spartz (R-IN-5) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “Honored to represent the U.S. Congress at an Iftar dinner hosted by Ambassadors @Hazar_Khazar of Azerbaijan, @AbdullaRAK of Bahrain, and @AmbHerzog of Israel Link to image”
Castro (D-TX-20) 03/27/2023: Retweet of @jsrailton – “BREAKING: Biden White House issues executive order on commercial spyware. Also confirms over 50+ USG personnel suspected targeted w/#Pegasus Huge deal, let me break the new #SpywareEO down. 1/ Link to image”
Mast (R-FL-21) 03/26/2023: Tweet – “In 2022, anti-Semitic attacks rose 36 percent compared to last year. This is unacceptable. As long as I am in Congress, I will fight this bigotry and ensure that the U.S. stands with our ally, Israel.”
Moskowitz (D-FL-23) 03/24/2023: Retweet of @NoahArbit – “Yesterday, House Republicans tried to silence me for calling out their party’s abuse of the Holocaust to make a cheap political point. I will never be silenced. Am Yisrael Chai. Link to video”
6. Members on the Record (Iran)
Costa (D-CA-21) 03/30/2023: Retweet of @NUFDIran – “The work continues Yesterday, NUFDI had a meeting with @repjimcosta, a member of #HFAC. Rep. Costa, who represents an active Iranian-American community in Fresno, CA expressed his strong support for the people of #Iran and their movement for freedom and democracy. Link to image”
Graham (R-SC) 03/30/2023: Twitter thread – “The worst ‘simple-minded’ thinking is to reward aggression in the hopes you get less of it. The worst ‘simple minded’ thinking is to believe Defunding the Police will lead to more order and security in our streets and neighborhoods. 1/3 The worst ‘simple-minded’ thinking is that if you require a country to capitulate and excuse war criminal behavior, the world will be safer. 2/3 Most importantly, the worst ‘simple-minded’ thinking is that China and Iran are not watching everything we do regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 3/3”
Stefanik (R-NY-21) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “As the leading advocate in Congress for @drum10thmtn, I was proud to secure General Milley’s support for Fort Drum hosting the third missile defense site. He rightfully acknowledged Fort Drum is “strategically worthwhile” in the face of increasing Iranian threats. #NY21 Link to video”
Greene (R-GA-14) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “Joe Biden has made the US reliant on foreign adversaries like China and Iran for energy, even though we were energy independent just two years ago under President Trump. The House must pass H.R. 1 and make America energy independent again!”
Langworthy (R-NY-23) 03/30/2023: Retweet of @RulesReps – “Things that have increased thanks to Democrat energy policies: Gas prices Utility bills Grocery receipts U.S. reliance on China, Iran, and Venezuela Cancelation of American energy projects Show more”
Mace (R-SC-1) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “Don’t disagree about the inherent risks here, but do we really think China (or Russia or Iran or any other global adversary) will agree to pause for six months? Link to quoted tweet”
Mills (R-FL-7) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “Our military should be focused on lethality and readiness, not DEI. While our aggressors continue to ramp up their militaries, it seems our priorities are misplaced. Link to quoted tweet”
Ricketts (R-NE) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “Our strength has made us the cornerstone of peace and prosperity throughout modern history Maintaining America’s strength is the only way to keep adversaries like the CCP, Iran and Russia from threatening our way of life. Link to quoted tweet”
Scalise (R-LA-1) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “Just went to the House Floor to call out Dems’ hypocrisy on energy. They get oil from hostile nations like Iran that produce it dirtier than us. Yet block unleashing American energy production. Thanks to them prices are higher for families. It doesn’t have to be like this. Link to video”
Scott (R-FL) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “Evil regimes like Russia and Iran are working together to silence free speech and undermine democracies and US allies. We must continue to fight for freedom and stand firmly against those who seek to destroy us. WSJ News Exclusive | Russia Supplies Iran With Cyber Weapons as Military Cooperation Grows”
Waltz (R-FL-6) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “We’ve heard a very sobering assessment of the threats that our country faces today from China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, our Southern Border, and more during the @HASCRepublicans hearing with our top Pentagon officials. My thoughts Link to video”
Cornyn (R-TX) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “Iran has attacked US troops 83 times since Biden became president Iran has attacked US troops 83 times since Biden became president… | taskandpurpose.com”
Jackson Lee (D-TX-18) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “Happy Nowruz! Glad to celebrate the Persian New Year with @Paaia and to honor the strong courageous women leading the Women, Life, Freedom movement in Iran! Link to image”
Sullivan (R-AK) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “Iranian proxies have attacked U.S. forces in the Middle East 80 times since President Biden took office. Deterrence is failing. The 2002 AUMF was used as recently as 2020 to support the justified killing of the Iranian terrorist-designated Quds Force leader, Qasem Soleimani. Link to video”
Feenstra (R-IA-4) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “ICYMI: I recently introduced legislation — the Defend America’s Rural Energy Act — to stop our enemies like China & Iran from buying up American farmland suitable for ethanol and biodiesel production. I will always defend American energy security. #IA04 Iowa Republican unveils legislation to protect rural land from China, other foreign adversaries… | foxnews.com”
Smith (R-MO-8) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “The Biden Admin doesn’t have a plan to counter China, Iran, or any of our foreign adversaries. What is it going to take for Biden Admin to make America’s interests a top priority? Link to video”
Bacon (R-NE-2) 03/25/2023: Retweet of @AIPAC – “.@CENTCOM Commander General Kurilla: Iran has used drones to attack Americans 78 times since January 2021. This dangerous regime continues to attack U.S. troops, allies and interests, all while advancing its illicit nuclear weapons program. Link to image”
Cornyn (R-TX) 03/26/2023: Retweet of @AIPAC – ““Since 2021, according to @CENTCOM, Iran-backed forces have attacked U.S. personnel in the Middle East 78 times. The U.S. has responded with military force three times.” Mideast Challenges Mount for U.S. as China and Russia Make Gains… | wsj.com” Also retweeted by Gonzales (R-TX-23)
Cornyn (R-TX) 03/25/2023: Retweet of @AIPAC – “Iranian-backed forces are attacking US bases with rockets and drones. This dangerous regime continues to attack American troops, allies and interests while advancing its illicit nuclear weapons program. Link to quoted tweet”
Graham (R-SC) 03/24/2023: Twitter thread – “President Biden and his national security team are letting America down. I fear General Milley and Secretary of Defense Austin are not proving to be up to the task of providing the deterrence America needs to remain safe. However, the ultimate blame for the failing foreign policy and military situation we find ourselves in lies with President Biden. President Biden owes it to those Americans fighting radical Islam to respond vigorously to any attack on them and their position by Iranian proxies. The weak, uncertain response to the initial attack obviously did not work. I fear additional weak and uncertain responses will lead to more American deaths and further embolden our enemies. America has only one path available when attacked – respond swiftly and vigorously with overwhelming, punishing force designed to make enemies wary of engaging with the United States. Being strong is the best deterrence against future attacks. Iran is a radical Islamic theocracy who openly calls for the destruction of Israel, constantly refers to the United States as the ‘Great Satan’ and at every turn attempts to purify Islam in their own image. Their goal is clear – they want to drive the United States out of the Middle East so they can dominate the region. Allowing Iran to have more influence in the Middle East is not in America’s interest and is suicidal for Israel. We simply cannot allow them to kill Americans. The limited number of American forces that are in Syria and Iraq are there to protect our country against the reemergence of radical Islam. Left unchecked, these forces would regenerate and once again launch attacks in the United States and against our allies around the world. President Obama and Vice President Biden made the mistake of pulling all American troops out of Iraq. It led to the rise of ISIS, establishment of a Caliphate in Raqqa and spawned attacks by radical jihadists in both Europe and the United States. We must not repeat that mistake Finally, the U.S. Senate this week sent a terrible signal when it comes to Iran and the fight against radical Islam. We saw efforts to repeal the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) in Iraq without any effort to replace it with one focused on using force against Iranian backed militias. Congress must be clear in telling the Iranian proxies that you attack American forces at your own peril. Instead, the actions taking place in the Senate – to our enemies at least – are the sounds of retreat. Spoke in the Senate Wednesday about the threat posed by Shiite militias: “American soldiers, are being attacked routinely by Shiite militias….. I am asking the Congress to tell the Shiite militias: you come after our troops, we’re coming after you. “ Graham Speaks About Threat Posed by Shiite Militias… | youtube.com”
Murphy (R-NC-3) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “Fact Check: Absolutely False China is swarming the globe in its pursuit to become the world superpower. The Biden Administration is sitting back while China aims to replace us. China’s mediation between Saudi and Iran is no cause for panic in Washington… | atlanticcouncil.org”
Waltz (R-FL-6) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “ISIS & Iran-backed militias are on the rise. We need to restore American deterrence. I explained how on Fox & Friends this morning. ISIS is still ‘very much’ a threat to the US: Rep. Mike Waltz | Fox News Video”
Bacon (R-NE-2) 03/24/2023: Retweet of @mikepompeo – “I’m glad the Biden Administration acted in response to the killing of an American. But we should be clear: Iranian-controlled militias have attacked U.S. forces 78 times since 2021 – Biden only responded to three of them. Continued weakness only invites more aggression.”
Cotton (R-AR) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “Dangerous mistake that will only encourage more terrorism. Link to quoted tweet”
Cruz (R-TX) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “The Biden administration knows that by allowing money to pour into Iran, they are not only endangering the safety and security of Americans but also undermining everything they claim to believe about defeating Putin. Biden Admin Greenlights Sanctions Waiver That Allows Iraq To Pay Iran Millions for Electricity… | freebeacon.com Link to image”
Davidson (R-OH-8) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “Milley continues to disappoint. Of course, the Biden Administration is working to restore Obama’s terrible JCPOA, but Milley is active duty and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. If that’s the DoD line, imagine how bad things are in Blinken’s State Department. Link to quoted tweet”
Ernst (R-IA) 03/24/2023: Twitter thread – “(1/2) Iranian proxies have attacked US servicemembers nearly 80 times. What has President Biden done about it? Cozied up to Iran in hopes of a fanciful and flawed “nuclear agreement,” & failed to hit Iran’s regime where it hurts, their wallets, by enforcing much-needed sanctions. (2/2) The Biden admin’s continued doctrine of appeasement has cost American lives and emboldened our adversaries.”
Hagerty (R-TN) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “I’m joining @SenatorRisch & other Senate GOP colleagues in urging the EU to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization. The IRGC’s support of Russian war crimes & terror activities threatens global security. Our letter to Josep Borrell: Link to image”
Issa (R-CA-48) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “Biden can’t be this weak after Iran-sponsored attacks wounded several of our soldiers and killed an American contractor.”
Mace (R-SC-1) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “Protecting democracy is a sacred duty. It doesn’t matter where: America, Iran, Pakistan, Brazil. We need to stand together to safeguard democratic values. Together, let’s defend freedom and liberty. #DemocracyMatters”
McClain (R-MI-9) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “Freedom is a pillar of democracy, and it’s something every American holds near and dear to our hearts. When countries like Pakistan, Iran, & Venezuela abuse and decimate those basic principles, we cannot stand by in silence. We must support those who seek freedom and peace.”
Risch (R-ID) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “It is vital that the U.S. and #EU align their responses to Russian aggression and the #IRGC. I will continue to do all I can to shed light on the threat they pose to Americans and Europeans alike. Congress Presses EU to Designate IRGC as a Terror Group… | freebeacon.com”
Roy (R-TX-21) 03/24/2023: Retweet of @tedcruz – “Of course the Biden administration lied that they wouldn’t waive sanctions on Iran just days before they did so. Link to quoted tweet”
Tuberville (R-AL) 03/25/2023: Tweet – ““We must increase federal oversight of foreign investments in agricultural land, especially from Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran. Our food and national security must be prioritized and protected from bad actors.” Tuberville introduces legislation to protect farmland – Yellowhammer News”
Tuberville (R-AL) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “WAKE UP! They’re in our backyard. #China Link to quoted tweet”
Wittman (R-VA-1) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “My prayers are with the loved ones of the US contractor who lost his life and the servicemembers injured in the recent senseless and horrific attack by IRGC-backed terror groups. Make no mistake – the United States will not stand for any harm toward our forces.”
7. Members on the Record (Other Mideast countries)
Spartz (R-IN-5) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “Great to meet with Egyptian Ambassador to the United States @MotazZahran this afternoon. We discussed the impact of the war in Ukraine on the MENA region and the importance of the US-Egypt relationship to regional stability. Link to image”
Saudi Arabia
Doggett (D-TX-37) 03/31/2023: Tweet – “Ten judges stand accused of treason in Saudi Arabia for not giving harsh enough sentences to women’s rights activists like Loujain al-Hathloul. Regimes like Saudi Arabia that violate human rights have to understand that the world is watching. Opinion | 10 Saudi judges are charged with treason. They were too ‘lenient.’”
Alford (R-MO-4) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “America should never again ask for oil from the likes of Russia, Saudi Arabia, or Venezuela. Let’s get H.R. 1 across the finish line!”
Fulcher (R-ID-1) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “H.R. 1 means no more begging the Saudis for oil, ignoring the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, and forgoing American workers, industry, and expertise. I am proud to support the Lower Energy Costs Act. Link to video”
Murphy (D-CT) 03/29/2023: Retweet of @jwrchappell – “Section 502B of the Foreign Assistance Act hasn’t been part of public conversations around U.S. arms sales to human rights abusers for decades. @ChrisMurphyCT & @MikeLeeforUtah’s new Saudi Arabia resolution invoking Section 502B(c) could change that. 1/ A Long-Forgotten Law Could Force the U.S. to Re-Evaluate its Relationship with Saudi Arabia… | justsecurity.org”
Merkley (D-OR) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “UPDATE: This bipartisan resolution reaffirming commitment to humanitarian aid to Türkiye and Syria in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake has passed the Senate. Link to quoted tweet”
Hill (R-AR-2) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “Today, I was pleased to see that the @USTreasury, along with our allies in the U.K., have sanctioned key actors in the production and trafficking of #Captagon. I will continue to go after this drug to cut off a major source of #Assad’s financing and work to stop its spread. Link to video”
Jacobs (D-CA-51) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “When it comes to the military strikes in Syria or any other military action, it’s Congress’s constitutional role to declare war. Congress needs to reassert those responsibilities and ensure proper oversight so we have all the information before taking military action. Link to video”
McCaul (R-TX-10) 03/28/2023: Twitter thread – “CHM @RepMcCaul released the following statement regarding new sanctions on Assad regime officials Link to image Read the full statement below McCaul Welcomes Sanctions on Assad Regime Officials for Drug Trafficking, Urges Further Action – Committee on Foreign Affairs”
Meeks (D-NY-5) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “RM @RepGregoryMeeks: I strongly support further multilateral actions by @USTreasury and @FCDOGovUK to crack down on illicit captagon networks enriching the Assad regime and destabilizing the Middle East. Link to quoted tweet”
Meeks (D-NY-5) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “RM @RepGregoryMeeks: Let’s be clear: arguments heard today on why #Cuba should stay on the SSOT are unfounded. Is this push to codify this status really about rooting out terrorism? Cuba simply doesn’t meet the qualifications to be on the same list as North Korea, Iran & Syria. Link to video”
Menendez (D-NJ) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “Glad to see this bipartisan letter to @POTUS & @SecBlinken critically move the conversation forward on US policy toward Syria. I’ve been calling for a comprehensive strategy for years, & urge the Admin to meaningfully engage with the authors & take this effort seriously. Link to quoted tweet”
Menendez (D-NJ) 03/29/2023: Retweet of @Charles_Lister – “@SFRCdems @POTUS @SecBlinken Thank you @SFRCdems & @SenatorMenendez — the Bipartisan #Syria Policy Letter should be a resource for all invested parties who believe in the need for a more holistic & effective policy on #Syria. We can no longer afford to cede influence in such a critical geopolitical crisis.”
Risch (R-ID) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “I welcome today’s #Caesar sanctions against the #Assad regime for its role in the Captagon trade. Our Middle East partners should reconsider outreach to this narco-state.”
Burchett (R-TN-2) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “I joined @AlisonMaloni and @RobFinnerty to discuss the recent strikes by Iran and the continued presence of U.S. troops in Syria. There’s no reason for boots to be on the ground in Syria – and Americans are losing their lives because of it. Bring our men and women home. Link to video”
Krishnamoorthi (D-IL-8) 03/28/2023: Tweet – “It’s critical that the U.S. continue to deter ISIS from regaining strength in Northern Syria while the Assad regime refuses to provide any assistance. Link to video”
Bacon (R-NE-2) 03/26/2023: Tweet – “Based on my questioning in the @HASCRepublicans Committee, we learned this week that Iran has attacked our forces 79 times in the last 2 years using drones. The US has responded three times. Iran’s aggression is unacceptable and must be met with a firmer response. Link to quoted tweet”
Bacon (R-NE-2) 03/25/2023: Retweet of @juliegraceb – “Per two senior GOP sources, Thursday’s initial strike by Iran proxies in eastern Syria on US forces occurred at approx. 6:30am et. The Admin did not notify Congress until approx. 8pm et. Both sources stated they believe it was because of the AUMF floor votes. “We were forcing… Show more”
Cotton (R-AR) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “Fact check: true Link to quoted tweet”
Crow (D-CO-6) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “The recent Turkey & Syria earthquakes were devastating. Met with @mosaicMMF this week to talk about the relief efforts they’re providing to affected families from their new facility in Aurora. Link to image”
Gallagher (R-WI-8) 03/26/2023: Retweet of @ThisWeekABC – ““I think that we should be concerned that our deterrent posture vis-a-vis Iran is crumbling. We can’t afford another failure of deterrence like that which we saw in Ukraine,” GOP Rep. Mike Gallagher tells @MarthaRaddatz. US military carries out airstrikes in Syria after drone attack kills American contractor… | abcn.ws Link to video”
Hagerty (R-TN) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “Why were US-led coalition base air defenses “not fully operational” when an Iran kamikaze drone killed 1 American & wounded 6 others? Did the IRGC know abt the vulnerability when it attacked? Cld Biden’s DOD have done more to protect vulnerable US forces? U.S. Launches Airstrikes After a Drone Attack in Syria Kills American Contractor… | nytimes.com”
Khanna (D-CA-17) 03/25/2023: Twitter thread – “Now that’s pretty Machiavellian I suppose you have a future as a political consultant! Link to quoted tweet Link to reply @JeffersonianAll Thanks for engaging. I am hoping to frame progressive policies as good for our free enterprise economy —an FDR Democrat. We need markets that work for people, not for the connected. But we need a broad coalition to achieve that and appreciative your activism.”
McCaul (R-TX-10) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “TUNE IN CHM @RepMcCaul will be on @FoxNewsSunday with @ShannonBream TOMORROW at 9amET/8amCT to discuss Xi and Putin’s unholy alliance, @SecBlinken’s testimony, TikTok’s national security threat, and the tragic attack on U.S. forces in Syria. Don’t miss it!” Retweeted by Huizenga (R-MI-4)
McCaul (R-TX-10) 03/26/2023: Tweet – “COMING UPCHM @RepMcCaul will join @ShannonBream on @FoxNewsSunday to discuss Xi and Putin’s unholy alliance, Blinken’s testimony, TikTok’s national security threat, and the tragic attack on U.S. forces in Syria. Tune in NOW! Link to image”
Meeks (D-NY-5) 03/26/2023: Tweet – “RM @RepGregoryMeeks: We are going to defend and make sure that our people are safe in Syria. Link to video”
Reschenthaler (R-PA-14) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “Iran’s UAV attack on Americans in Syria must be condemned in the strongest of terms. The IRGC and Iranian proxies should be held accountable through lethal force in order to protect Americans in Iraq and Syria.”
Scott (R-FL) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “.@joebiden’s appeasement tactic is making America weaker. China Russia Syria Iran His weakness is hurting America’s safety. Link to video”
Fallon (R-TX-4) 03/24/2023: Twitter thread – “Yesterday, Iran murdered an American contractor and injured five American service members. Officials report that an Iranian suicide drone was responsible for the strike on our coalition base in northeast Syria. (1/3) Link to quoted tweet The terrorism of the IRGC knows no bounds and directly reflects the Ayatollah’s depravity. The EU and the UK should join us in designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization, and we MUST reimplement maximum pressure against the regime. (2/3) American lives are at stake, but so are countless other lives falling victim to this oppressive regime. (3/3)”
Graham (R-SC) 03/24/2023: Twitter thread – “The Biden Administration could learn something from the Trump Administration about deterrence. It should be communicated forcefully to the Iranians that if they continue to support and inspire attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria, all bets are off. The targets the Iranians fear the most are their refineries. For every attack against Americans in the future, take down an Iranian refinery and their oil and gas infrastructure. That would send a strong message.”
Graham (R-SC) 03/24/2023: press release, Graham on Attacks Against American Troops in Syria
Lamborn (R-CO-5) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “Biden’s backwards logic on Iran has real consequences. The attack by the IRGC in Syria that took the life of a US contractor & injured 6 other Americans is just the latest tragedy. The UK must disregard the Biden Admin & designate the IRGC a FTO. Joe Biden diplomats trying to block UK plan to proscribe Iran militias as terror group… | telegraph.co.uk”
Lankford (R-OK) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “This is further confirmation that the US must stand strong against the IRGC and Iranian terrorism which clearly still has a stronghold in Syria and throughout the region. The Iranian regime is a threat to regional and global peace. Link to quoted tweet”
McCaul (R-TX-10) 03/24/2023: Twitter thread – “CHM @RepMcCaul released the following statement in response to the tragic attack on U.S. forces in Syria Link to image Find the full statement here McCaul Urges Stronger Deterrence Against Iran – Committee on Foreign Affairs”
McCaul (R-TX-10) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “TUNE IN CHM @RepMcCaul will join @ShannonBream THIS SUNDAY at 9amET/8amCT on @FoxNewsSunday to discuss Xi and Putin’s unholy alliance, @SecBlinken’s testimony, @tiktok_us’s national security threat, and the tragic attack on U.S. forces in Syria. Link to image”
Menendez (D-NJ) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “I condemn Iran’s latest unprovoked attacks on US forces in Syria. The regime in Tehran clearly remains a menace to the US & our regional partners. I extend my deepest condolences to the family of the American who perished & wish the wounded a full & speedy recovery. Link to quoted tweet”
Paul (R-KY) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “Bring our troops home from Syria and end every unauthorized war going on today. Return the power to engage in war to Congress. Our service members deserve it. The Constitution demands it. U.S. Conducts Airstrikes in Syria in Response to Deadly UAV Attack… | defense.gov”
Paulina Luna (R-FL-13) 03/24/2023: Retweet of @mattgaetz – “We shouldn’t be in Syria”
Phillips (D-MN-3) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “Condolences to the family of the American killed in Iranian-linked drone attack in Syria and a swift recovery to the injured. We must continue to counter threats emanating from the Iranian regime and remain focused on our D-ISIS mission in Syria.”
Sullivan (R-AK) 03/24/2023: Twitter thread – “Well that was quick. I’ve warned my colleagues that removing the 2002 AUMF that supported the killing of Soleimani—head of the Iranian terrorist-designated Quds Force—would embolden Iran to continue targeting, wounding and killing Americans. Now, they’re at it again. Link to quoted tweet All week, the Senate has been debating a bill to repeal the 2002 AUMF, which sends exactly the wrong signal to the terrorists in Iran. At the very least, my colleagues should support my amendment to make it 100% clear the US has the authority to retaliate against Iranian threats. My amendment also requires the @ODNIgov to certify the AUMF repeal will not degrade U.S.-led deterrence against Iranian aggression before it is implemented. Based on the attack yesterday, I hope all my colleagues will support my amendment.”
Wilson (R-SC-2) 03/24/2023: Twitter thread – “The death of an American contractor and wounding of 6 U.S. citizens, including 5 American servicemembers, by a drone attack in Northeast Syria near Hasakah on a Coalition base, is a reminder that Iranian-backed militias continue to threaten American families at home and overseas. The second attack on the Green Village base underscores the severity of the threat posed by the Iranian Regime. This is particularly alarming as America remembers Putin’s downing of a U.S. drone and the CCP launch of a spy balloon over America.”
Peters (D-MI) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “I am proud that Michigan is home to the largest Yemeni population outside of Yemen. As this past week marked the 8th anniversary of the war in Yemen, I spoke on the Senate floor to condemn the Saudi military campaign. We must continue to assist in the peace process. Link to video”
Tlaib (D-MI-12) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “Yemen is experiencing the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. We must help the Yemeni people who are facing violence, starvation and displacement. I’m proud to lead 23 of my colleagues in calling for at least $1.2 billion in humanitarian assistance to Yemen in this year’s budget. Link to image”
Omar (D-MN-5) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “Jeremy Corbyn, Ilhan Omar join hundreds calling for an end of war in Yemen | Middle East Eye Jeremy Corbyn, Ilhan Omar join hundreds calling for an end of war in Yemen… | middleeasteye.net”
Menendez (D-NJ) 03/27/2023: Tweet – “Deeply troubled & saddened by the deaths of migrants & asylum seekers fleeing Tunisia. Dehumanizing rhetoric can have deadly consequences & should NEVER be employed by leaders, including President Saied, for political gain. Link to quoted tweet”
Tlaib (D-MI-12) 03/28/2023: Retweet of @commondreams – ““Without a significant increase in American assistance… we fear that 2023 will be a heartbreakingly deadly year for everyday Yemenis,” @RepRashida and 23 other House Democrats wrote in a letter seeking $1.2 billion in aid. Tlaib Leads Call for $1.2 Billion in Humanitarian Assistance for Yemen… | cdreams.news”
McCaul (R-TX-10) 03/29/2023: Tweet – “CHM @RepMcCaul “This afternoon the Rusesabagina family will finally be reunited in Houston. I share the relief of many in seeing the Gov of Rwanda commute Mr. Rusesabagina’s sentence & am grateful to the Gov of Qatar, in coordination w/ the Biden Admin, for securing his release.” Link to quoted tweet”
Allred (D-TX-32) 03/30/2023: Tweet – “In the face of growing authoritarianism, and Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, strengthening @NATO is critical. Finland’s addition to this historic alliance is welcome and will help bolster efforts to stabilize the region. Turkey’s parliament ratifies Finland’s membership in NATO… | apnews.com”
Titus (D-NV-1) 03/31/2023: Tweet – “It’s welcome news that with the Turkish parliament’s approval, all thirty members of NATO have affirmed that Finland should enter the strongest security alliance in history. Now let’s bring Sweden in. Link to quoted tweet”
Turner (R-OH-10) 03/31/2023: Tweet – “Finland is a critical partner and longtime ally of the United States. As the Head of the U.S. Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, it is my pleasure to welcome Finland into @NATO. @NATOPAPress Turkey approves Finland Nato membership bid… | bbc.com”
Whitehouse (D-RI) 03/31/2023: Tweet – “Bravo for Finland! Sweden next. Turkey approves Finland’s NATO bid, clearing path for it to join alliance… | washingtonpost.com”
Other – Middle East
Johnson (R-LA-4) 03/24/2023: Tweet – “In our @HASCrepublicans hearing yesterday, our generals told me that in the CENTCOM region of the Middle East and Africa, China is describing the U.S. as an “empty suit” to our allies. @POTUS’s weakness on the world stage endangers American lives. We must do better #AmericaFirst Link to video”
Murphy (D-CT) 03/25/2023: Tweet – “President Biden is right to defend U.S. forces in the Middle East. But it’s also time for us to ask: are our unusually high number of permanent forces in the region a net national security positive or negative? America’s Middle East Policy Is Outdated and Dangerous… | foreignaffairs.com”