Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories Vol 5 #3


What is Israel’s vision of the “final status” of the West Bank and Gaza Strip?

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, under the direction of Yossi Beilin, Israel’s deputy foreign minister, and Palestinian Minister Nabil Shaath, are now engaged in secret talks on the main elements of a permanent agreement. Perhaps because of these discussions, Israel’s political leadership in recent months has offered some revealing, public insights into its idea of the shape such an agreement should take.

The Rabin government has not forsaken the ideology of conquest, which is the foundation of Israel’s view of the occupied territories. This concept, not surprisingly, is at odds with even the most forthcoming Palestinian position. Nevertheless, Israeli government policies reflect both an attempt to build on the Camp David and Oslo accords and the need to fashion a plan that can attract support across the wide range of Israel’s political spectrum, including many in the Likud party.