
  • Settlement & Annexation Report: July 21, 2022

    Welcome to FMEP’s Weekly Settlement Report, covering everything you need to know about Israeli settlement activity this week. To subscribe to this report, please click…

  • FMEP Legislative Round-Up: July 15, 2022

    1. Bills, Resolutions, Letters 2. Hearings 3. On the Record FMEP Events: 7/13/22: FMEP’s Lara Friedman interviewed on Background Briefing with Ian Masters, The Centerpiece…

  • Biden says he wants a two-state solution. Why is he silent on Israeli settlements? (Vox)

    “‘What started out as a bunch of pins thrown up on a map became a deep network crisscrossing the West Bank of Israeli Jewish settlements, established in strategic locations,’ Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, told me. Those new informal communities grew into developments and cities, ‘erasing the Green Line, so you can no longer see what is Israel,’ according to Friedman. She says that settlers deliberately sought to ‘prevent the connection and expansion of Palestinian localities in the West Bank.’”…’The political animals around Biden have learned all the wrong lessons from the Obama era,’ Friedman told me. ‘The main lesson they learned was, ‘We don’t want to fight with Israel over settlements, or anything really.’’…For Friedman, a former State Department official who has been monitoring Israeli settlements since she worked at the US consulate in Jerusalem from 1992 to 1994, the Biden administration is simply not doing enough. ‘Since Biden came into office, we have seen a surge in settlement activity in the West Bank, we have seen a surge in settler violence, we’ve seen a surge in targeting in East Jerusalem,’ she told me. ‘And there’s nothing — all you’ll get is the most empty rhetoric. It’s as empty as we had under Trump.’”

  • Settlement & Annexation Report: July 14, 2022

    Welcome to FMEP’s Weekly Settlement Report, covering everything you need to know about Israeli settlement activity this week. To subscribe to this report, please click…

  • Mr. Biden Goes to the Middle East

    Mr. Biden Goes to the Middle East Monday, July 11th, 2022 Co-sponsored with Jewish Currents Listen to this conversation as a podcast. In mid-July, President Biden…

  • After Bucking AIPAC Line, Rep. Sean Casten Returned $50,000 to Right-Leaning Pro-Israel Donors (The Intercept)

    “The refunded contributions are part of a larger trend this election season, which has seen unprecedented amounts of spending from pro-Israel organizations upend the playing field in Democratic primaries. ‘This is yet another wrinkle in that story,’ Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, told The Intercept. ‘We know that much of this money has been coming from Republicans, and these refunds provide even more insight into how this money is reshaping the landscape for Democratic politicians.’”

  • FMEP Legislative Round-Up: July 8, 2022

    1. Bills, Resolutions, Letters 2. Hearings & Travel 3. On the Record FMEP Events: 7/11/22 FMEP/Jewish Currents webinar – Mr. Biden Goes to the Middle…

  • Settlement & Annexation Report: July 7, 2022

    Welcome to FMEP’s Weekly Settlement Report, covering everything you need to know about Israeli settlement activity this week. To subscribe to this report, please click…