
FMEP has long been a trusted resource on settlement-related issues, reflecting both the excellent work of our grantees on the ground and our own in-house expertise. FMEP’s focus on settlements derives from our commitment to achieving lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace, and our recognition of the fact that Israeli settlements – established for the explicit purpose of dispossessing Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem of land and resources – are antithetical to that goal.

From 1991-2014, FMEP published a quarterly Settlement Report authored by Geoffrey Aaronson, archives of which can be accessed online here. In April 2017, FMEP re-launched its Settlement Report as a weekly newsletter, authored by FMEP’s Kristin McCarthy. Current and archived editions of the Settlement Report are found below. Click here to subscribe to the weekly Settlement Report.

for Settlement Reports and al-Walajah

  • Settlement Report: February 22, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    FMEP’s weekly report on Israeli settlement activity. This week covering: temporary housing installed at site of the new Amichai settlement; Jerusalem planning authorities advance a major expansion of the Gilo settlement in the direction of Bethlehem; Israel begins illegal construction of new checkpoint near al-Walajah meant to deprive the village of access to a natural spring; High Court orders injunction against Shvut Rachel project; IDF removes outpost near Tapuah; Israeli cabinet might vote on a Jordan Valley annexation bill this weekend; and more!

  • Settlement Report: March 9, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    FMEP’s report on Israeli settlement activity, this week covering: A new settlement in Hebron; a looming Israeli plan to unite and expand settlements near Qalqilya; the High Court is reviewing Israel’s practice of paying-off law breakers who live in outposts; new documents reveal government funds are being used to finance infrastructure in unauthorized outposts; a new Israeli Central Commander is sworn in; a new report by the EU shows a major acceleration in settlement planning over the last half of 2017; notable settlement related news from the 2018 AIPAC national conference.