
FMEP has long been a trusted resource on settlement-related issues, reflecting both the excellent work of our grantees on the ground and our own in-house expertise. FMEP’s focus on settlements derives from our commitment to achieving lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace, and our recognition of the fact that Israeli settlements – established for the explicit purpose of dispossessing Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem of land and resources – are antithetical to that goal.

From 1991-2014, FMEP published a quarterly Settlement Report authored by Geoffrey Aaronson, archives of which can be accessed online here. In April 2017, FMEP re-launched its Settlement Report as a weekly newsletter, authored by FMEP’s Kristin McCarthy. Current and archived editions of the Settlement Report are found below. Click here to subscribe to the weekly Settlement Report.

for Settlement Reports

  • Settlement Report: June 1, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    ***In total, the Israeli government advanced plans for 3,120 new settlement units this week alone. Details, along with additional significant settlement news, are below.*** Welcome to…

  • Settlement Report: May 10, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    FMEP’s weekly report on Israeli settlement activity. This week covering: an overview, details, and reaction to the publication of the “Zandberg Report” – an Israeli government committee endeavor to find legal strategizes for retroactively legalizing settlement buildings and outposts; Efrat acquires a private drone thanks to a charitable donation; the High Court override bill is sent to the Knesset with government backing despite lacking consensus in the governing coalition; the World Zionist Organization is renting at a discount to settlers; and more.

  • Settlement Report: May 3, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    FMEP’s weekly report on Israeli settlement activity & policy. This week covering: the advancement of another settlement project at the entrance of the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem; NGOs file an appeal to stop the construction of a new settler-backed footbridge near the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan; a new report from Kerem Navot documents the land status of 38 police stations in settlements across the West Bank, revealing 4 stations were built illegally on privately owned Palestinian land; and an update on the High Court supersession law.

  • Settlement Report: March 22, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    FMEP’s weekly report on Israeli settlement activity. This week covering: A new light rail will have a stop in the far-flung Ariel settlement; an employee strike at the Israeli Civil Administration might delay settlement approvals; Israel’s 2019 budget is passed, and Palestinians say it entrenches occupation and discrimination; Likud candidates seeking to replace Netanyahu promise more settlement construction.

  • Settlement Report: March 15, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    FMEP’s weekly report on settlement activity. In this edition: The Israeli Justice Ministry gives responsibility for absentee property cases in East Jerusalem to a radical settler; after seven months, the High Court orders the IDF to evacuate settler-squatters from a disputed property in Hebron; Yesh Din highlights the ongoing violence the Yitzhar settlers inflict on Burin; B’Tselem documents the impact of Beit El on the nearby al-Jalazun refugee camp; the United National High Commissioner for Human Rights submits the 2017 report on Israeli settlement activity.