
FMEP has long been a trusted resource on settlement-related issues, reflecting both the excellent work of our grantees on the ground and our own in-house expertise. FMEP’s focus on settlements derives from our commitment to achieving lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace, and our recognition of the fact that Israeli settlements – established for the explicit purpose of dispossessing Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem of land and resources – are antithetical to that goal.

From 1991-2014, FMEP published a quarterly Settlement Report authored by Geoffrey Aaronson, archives of which can be accessed online here. In April 2017, FMEP re-launched its Settlement Report as a weekly newsletter, authored by FMEP’s Kristin McCarthy. Current and archived editions of the Settlement Report are found below. Click here to subscribe to the weekly Settlement Report.

for Settlement Reports

  • Settlement Report: March 9, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    FMEP’s report on Israeli settlement activity, this week covering: A new settlement in Hebron; a looming Israeli plan to unite and expand settlements near Qalqilya; the High Court is reviewing Israel’s practice of paying-off law breakers who live in outposts; new documents reveal government funds are being used to finance infrastructure in unauthorized outposts; a new Israeli Central Commander is sworn in; a new report by the EU shows a major acceleration in settlement planning over the last half of 2017; notable settlement related news from the 2018 AIPAC national conference.

  • Settlement Report: February 22, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    FMEP’s weekly report on Israeli settlement activity. This week covering: temporary housing installed at site of the new Amichai settlement; Jerusalem planning authorities advance a major expansion of the Gilo settlement in the direction of Bethlehem; Israel begins illegal construction of new checkpoint near al-Walajah meant to deprive the village of access to a natural spring; High Court orders injunction against Shvut Rachel project; IDF removes outpost near Tapuah; Israeli cabinet might vote on a Jordan Valley annexation bill this weekend; and more!

  • Settlement Report: February 15, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    FMEP’s weekly report covering Israeli settlement activity. This week including: Law-Breaking settler Pinchas Wallerstein appointed to lead government team tasked with legalizing outposts; High Planning Council approves new settlement plans including an unusual, temporary plan to house evacuees from the Netiv Ha’avot outpost; Bibi insinuates that the U.S. has been involved in discussions about West Bank annexation plans; three touristic settlement projects in East Jerusalem were advanced; and, Lara Friedman responds to Trump’s ‘word salad’ response to a question about settlements.

  • Settlement Report: February 8, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    FMEP’s weekly report on Israeli settlement activity, this week covering: the Israeli Cabinet’s decision to retroactively legalize the Havat Gilad outpost, making it a settlement; the continued, unauthorized expansion of the Halamish settlement; the Israeli Knesset’s “Land of Israel” caucus pushes for the formal annexation of the West Bank; Yesh Din’s report on the site of the evacuated Amona outpost; and, details of Trump’s “ultimate deal” signal a windfall for Israel.

  • Settlement Report: February 1, 2018

    Settlement Reports

    This week FMEP’s settlement report covers: The impending legalization of the Havat Gilad outpost; the Knesset’s advancement of a bill to extend Israeli sovereignty over settlement universities and schools; a leaked European Union report slams Israel’s use of tourism sites to cement settlements in East Jerusalem; Wadi Foquin is being flooded because of surrounding Israeli development projects; Yesh Din examines how the Civil Administration is a tool for oppression and domination over Palestinians.