Our 2021 Grantees

Organizations FMEP is supported in 2021 

+972 Magazine*

7amleh – The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement



Al-Shabaka: the Palestinian Policy Network

American Near East Refugee Aid

Americans for Peace Now

Arab American Institute Foundation

Association for Civil Rights in Israel*

B’Tselem USA


Breaking the Silence*

Charity & Security Network

Defense for Children International – Palestine*

The Democratic Bloc*

Emek Shaveh*


Grassroots Al-Quds*



Heartland Initiative, Inc.

Human Rights Defenders Fund*

If Not Now

Institute for Middle East Understanding

Ir Amim*

Jewish Voice for Peace

Just Vision

Kerem Navot*

Middle East Institute

Military Court Watch

The Movement for Freedom of Information in Israel*

New Israel Fund

Palestinian American Research Center

Palestine Legal

Physicians for Human Rights – Israel*


Terrestrial Jerusalem*

Who Profits

Yesh Din*


*FMEP awarded a grant to this organization’s U.S.-based partner in support of its ongoing relationship with the listed organization.


2020 Grantees

2019 Grantees

2018 Grantees


FMEP is a 501(c)(3) private foundation established in 1979 by lawyer and philanthropist Merle Thorpe, Jr., to promote a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through grants, public programming, and research.